洪儷瑜Hung, Li-Yu紀葆瑜Kee, Pau-Yee2023-12-082022-09-262023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/1cfb376116c6e6745aade4c4f2f84343/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119676本研究以馬來西亞獨立中學普通班導師為研究對象,以正向行為支持的理念探討班導師所經歷學生在課堂中出現的干擾行為、處理干擾行為時使用之策略與成效、校內行政支持和教師習得專業知能的途徑,並進一步探討不同背景的班導師對於學生干擾行為之觀點、處理策略的使用和專業習得途徑的差異情形。研究採網路問卷進行調查並分析了163份問卷,研究結果如下:一、最多班導師認為的輕度干擾行為是「遲到」,嚴重干擾行為則是「怒罵或威脅師長」以及「攻擊他人」。而有接近一半的班導師認為「動作慢,明顯跟不上班上活動節奏」非屬於干擾行為。另外,班導師在區分「以口語反抗、抗議」、「未告知而拿別人的東西或搶東西」以及「碰觸別人」的觀點上並未達成一致。班導師認為常見的嚴重干擾行為多以言語類為主,其中並未有直接傷害自己或他人的行為。不同教師資格的班導師對於學生在課堂出現的干擾行為之觀點有顯著的差異。二、最多班導師使用的處理策略多屬使不當行為無效之後果策略,班導師並未因學生干擾行為的程度不同而採不一樣的處理策略。「約他下課談話」是班導師認為成效最好的策略。而不同任教階段、教學年資和教師資格的班導師在處理學生干擾行為時所使用之策略和成效均有顯著差異。另外,未超過六成的班導師使用預防策略預防學生的干擾行為。不同任教階段和教學年資的班導師在使用預防策略預防學生干擾行為亦有顯著差異。三、相較處理輕度干擾行為時所獲得之校內行政,班導師認為在處理嚴重干擾行為時所獲得之校內行政較多。而「約談學生」是班導師在處理嚴重干擾行為時認為最需要獲得的協助。四、不同教學年資的班導師在處理學生干擾行為之勝任程度有顯著的差異。班導師教學年資越高在處理學生干擾行為的勝任程度上就越高。五、班導師獲得專業知能的途徑通常通過同事分享或是自己累積的經驗,較少教師認為通過教師研習或與相關專業人員的討論習得專業知能。不同任教階段、教學年資和教師資格的班導師在專業知能習得途徑中有顯著的差異。To investigate (1) the student's classroom disruptive behavior, (2) the strategies and their effectiveness in dealing with the disruptive behavior, (3) the administrative support from the school, (4) teachers’ professional knowledge acquired skills, as well as (5) teachers’ perspective on students’ disruptive behavior, use strategies and knowledge acquired approach, who came from different backgrounds. The researcher used an online survey to collect the data and analyzed 163 surveys of secondary school teachers in Malaysia'sChinese Independent secondary school. The critical research results are as follows:1. Teachers considered that “lateness to class” is a mild disruptive behavior in the classroom whereas "swearing or threatening the teacher" and "attacking others" are the most severe classroom disruptive behavior. Nearly half of the teachers do not agree that “slow motion, or unable to follow classroom activities” is one disruptive behavior. Additionally, there is a difference of opinion to distinguish the disruptive behaviors between “verbal aggression”, “grabbing one’s things without permission”, and “touching others”. The findings are consistent with previous studies where “talking out of turn” is the most common mild disruptive behavior while"speaking foul language" is the most common severe disruptive behavior in the classroom. Teachers agreed that most of the common severe disruptive behavior is verbal disruptive behavior, excluding harming himself or others. There is a significant difference in teachers’ perspectives on students’ classroom disruptive behavior from different backgrounds. 2. The most common strategy being used by teachers is to thwart misbehaviors. Regardless of the level of disruptive behaviors, teachers tend touse similar strategies. “After class talk” is one of the most common and effective strategies, according to teachers. There is a significant difference between teachers with different teaching levels, teaching seniority, and qualifications and the strategies and their effectiveness in dealing with classroom disruptive behavior. Moreover, there is less than 60% of teachers adopt prevention strategies to prevent students’ disruptive behavior. There is also a significant difference between teachers with different teaching levels and teaching seniority and the usage of preventive strategies in preventing classroom disruptive behavior.3. Teachers believed that they received more administrative support from the school when dealing with severe classroom disruptive behaviors as compared to mild disruptive behaviors. Most teachers perceived that they need more support when having “personal conversations” with students with severe disruptive behaviors. 4. There is a significant difference between teachers with different teaching. seniority and competencies in dealing with students’ disruptive behaviors. The higher the level ofteaching seniority, the higher the competency in dealing with disruptive behaviors.5. Commonly, teachers acquired their professional knowledge through knowledge-sharing sessions with their colleagues or their own experiences. There are not many teachers that gain their professional knowledge through appropriate training sessions or proper discussion sessions with the relevant professionals. There is a significant difference between teachers’ teaching level, teaching seniority, qualifications, and their professional knowledge acquired skills.獨立中學干擾行為普通班導師馬來西亞正向行為支持Chinese Independent secondary schooldisruptive behaviorgeneral education teachersMalaysiapositive behavior support馬來西亞獨立中學普通班導師經歷課堂學生干擾行為現況之調查研究Students' Disruptive Behavior: Perspectives of Teachers from Malaysia's Chinese Independent Secondary Schoolsetd