唐淑華吳柏萱Wu, Po-Hsuan2019-08-292018-09-012019-08-292018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0505002218%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92556  本研究採取行動研究法,以系統思考之三種訓練工具:因果回饋圖、系統基模、長期行為圖為教學材料,設計適合高三下社會組的系統思考課程,將課程融入數學課以及班會課。透過此方案的設計,本研究以探究高三下社會組的系統思考課程歷程為主要研究目的,並探討此課程對學生系統思考能力的影響,藉此了解系統思考課程的教學歷程。本研究採用兩階段循環的行動研究,以研究者之高三社會組導師班學生(36人)為研究對象,總共實施八堂系統思考課程。   為達研究目的,本研究以劉彥婕(2011)所編之「系統思考能力評量測驗」,於第一堂前進行前測,第八堂課後進行後測,並以相依樣本t檢定進行統計分析。輔以質性資料包括:教學錄影資料、教師教學省思紀錄、學生課程學習單、學生學習回饋單、以及學生訪談紀錄等文件,來檢視學生對於系統思考課程的態度與意見,及系統思考能力改變的情形。資料分析結果歸納如下: 一、系統思考課程實施有助於提升學生的系統思考能力。 二、學生對於系統思考課程普遍持肯定且樂於接受的態度。 三、系統思考課程實施後,研究者的教學能力與省思能力有所提升。   根據上述研究結果,研究者提出相關建議,亦舉例說明課程內容以及教學過程,以作為未來系統思考課程的設計以及教學參考。  This research adopts action research pattern, and applies “System Thinking” to math teaching and class meeting by means of Casual Feedback Loop diagram, System Archetypes and Behavior Over Time graphs. This purpose of this study is to explore the progress of system thinking as research purpose and approach the influences of students from social sciences major of the 12th grade. Taking thirty-six students from social sciences major as subjects, this action research has two cycles, and four lessons are in each cycle.   In order to achieve research purpose, this study uses assessment tests of system thinking created by Yen-Chieh Liu (2011) as pre-test at the first class, implements post-test after the eighth class and analyzes results by paired-sample t test. To find out students’ attitude, opinion and the change of ability in system thinking, qualitative data are collected through video monitoring, the researcher’s reflection, students’ working sheet of each lesson, students’ feedback of each cycle and interviews of students. The main findings are as following: 1.This action research can raise positive effect on students’ system thinking ability. 2.In terms of system thinking courses, the students like and enjoy in general. 3.Through this study, researcher’s ability of teaching and reflection has improved.   Based on the result mentioned above, the action research of system thinking courses from the 12th grader is discussed and this study also presents some suggestions to teachers, educators and further research as references.系統思考課程高中數學高中三年級行動研究System Thinking courseMath teachingThe 12th graderAction Research系統思考學習應用在高三下學期之行動研究The Action Research of Applying System Thinking in the Second Semester of the 12th Grader