沈六Liow_Sheen蔡素慧Su-hui Tsai2019-08-282011-12-232019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0597071209%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88485本研究旨在探究國中社會學習領域公民教材之「品格內涵」及其數量與分布情形,並比較不同版本之差異。經蒐集中外文獻,分析與歸納出七項最常被定義為品格的內涵,誠實、責任、尊重、公平、勇敢、關懷和自律,本研究依此制定出核心主類目,依據七項主類目以「品格內涵統計表」、「品格內涵分析表」作為研究工具,探討現今國中公民教材,以甲版本、乙版本七上到九下,每版本六冊共十二冊公民教材為研究對象,分別以內容分析法、描述統計、卡方百分比同質性檢定,探究教材在世代交替的社會如何彰顯「品格」的重要性?以及教材所傳遞的品格價值觀念? 本研究主要發現如下: 壹、 品格內涵方面 一、 就品格內涵而言 (一) 誠實指真誠待人。 (二) 責任指做好份內的事。 (三) 尊重指敬重他人。 (四) 公平指做事不偏不倚。 (五) 勇敢指不怕困難。 (六) 關懷指關心家人、關懷社會。 (七) 自律指自治自律。 二、 就教材闡述品格內涵的完整度與多元性 (一) 責任等主類目之品格內涵敘述完整且賦予新的涵義。 (二) 誠實、尊重、公平、勇敢與關懷等之部分次類目的品格內涵表達不夠完善。 (三) 誠實、尊重、關懷與自律等品格內涵僅以生活化的方式描述。 (四) 誠實之忠誠品格以激發愛鄉與愛國為主。 貳、 品格內涵之數量方面 一、 以「責任」的數量最多,「誠實」明顯偏少。 二、 以責任、關懷出現次數最多,正直、慈悲心相對偏少。 三、 乙版本較容易發生品格懸缺現象。 參、 品格內涵之呈現方式方面 文字為主、圖為輔,習作、課後閱讀與課文補充為助。 肆、 以品格內涵之分布情形來看 一、 品格內涵呈現分布不均。 二、 品格內涵連續性甲版本較優於乙版本。The purpose of this study is to investigate ”Intension of Characters” in civics textbooks of junior high school social studies and to explore the number and distribution of ”Intension of Characters”. It also compares the differences between two versions of civics textbooks in terms of ”Intension of Characters”. Based on the analyses of Chinese and western literature reviews, the researcher analyzes and concludes that the seven characters most frequently defined as ”Intension of Characters” are “honesty”, “responsibility”, “respect”, “fairness”, “courage”, “caring “and “self-discipline”. The civics textbooks, which are analyzed in the study, include two different versions which are arranged from Volume One to Volume Six. Every volume is used to teach three different graders in junior high school students every semester, respectively. Data obtained in this study are analyzed by means of content analysis, descriptive statistics and chi-square test. The researcher tries to find out how the civics textbooks show the importance of decency in the fast-changing society. Additionally, it’s expected to explore how the civics textbooks convey the merits and meanings of ”Intension of Characters” to junior high school students. The major findings of this study are as follows: A. With regard to “ Intension of Characters”: 1. In terms of “ Intension of Characters” : a. “Honesty” means treating others sincerely. b. “Responsibility” means doing the things that one should do. c. “Respect” means admiring others. d. “Fairness” means doing things without bias. e. “Courage” means facing difficulty or danger without fear. f. “Caring” means sympathetic concern for others. g. “Self-Discipline” means self-government and self-discipline. 2. As regards what and how civic textbooks explicate “Intension of Characters”: a. The main categories of ”Intension of Characters” - ”responsibility” are explained fully and completely, and they are provided with new meanings. b. Some of the sub-categories of “Intension of Characters” - “honesty”, “respect”, “fairness” , ”courage” and “caring” aren’t explicited clearly. c. Some of “Intension of Characters ”-“honesty”, “respect”, “caring” and “self-discipline” aren’t described and mentioned in everyday events. d. “Loyalty” of “honesty” aims to provoke one’s love for his own hometown and country. B. With regard to “Intension of Characters” explicated: 1. “Responsibility” is explicated the most; “honesty” is explained obviously less. 2. “Responsibility” and “caring” are explicated the most frequently; “ integrity” and “kindness” are explained much less frequently. 3. Not all “Intension of Characters” are explicated in Version B. C. With regard to the presentation of “Intension of Characters” explicated: The explications of “Intension of Characters” are arranged primarily in texts and secondarily in illustrations. What is presented in workbooks, post-readings and supplements helps to explain “Intension of Characters”. D. With regard to the distribution of “Intension of Characters”: 1. The distribution of “Intension of Characters” in each version isn’t arranged evenly. 2. The presentation of “Intension of Characters” in Version A is superior to that in Version B in order of arrangement.國中社會學習領域公民教材品格內涵之分析國中公民教材品格內涵分析公民教材品格內涵分析品格內涵分析品格國中公民教材CharactersAnalytic Research on Intension of Characters國中社會學習領域公民教材品格內涵之分析An Analytic Research on Intension of Characters in Civics Textbooks of Junior High School Social Studies