林坤誼Kuen-Yi, Lin王書賢Shu-Hsien, Wang2019-09-032012-8-272019-09-032012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699710123%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96873本研究主要目的為瞭解九年一貫體制下國中生科技學習現況與偏好,在十二年國教正值發展之際,提供教育改革者一個參考依據。為了達到上述目的,本研究以課程內涵、學習活動與教學方法三個面向架構出國中生的科技學習現況與偏好之調查問卷,並利用分層隨機抽樣抽取全國254間學校作為調查對象。本研究共回收教師有效問卷127份,學生有效問卷663份,有效回收率分別達到五成及六成。主要結論如下:(1)國中生對於生活科技課程內涵、學習活動與教學方法的熟悉度尚可,而其偏好分別為科技的影響與創意實作、遊戲與實作類型、以及遊戲與示範教學法;(2)生活科技教師對於課程內涵的認同度較高,在學習活動方面也能運用多元的學習活動,而在教學方法方面主要以講述與示範教學法為主;(3)國中教師與學生對於落實生活科技的課程內涵、學習活動與教學方法等看法有差異,值得持續重視與檢討改善。透過本研究的相關結論,期望能作為未來十二年國教課程改革或相關人員之重要參考依據。The purpose of the study was to explore the junior high school students’ technology learning performances and preferences, and propose some suggestions to the educational authorities in the process of deveoping the 12-year compulsory education. In order to achieve the previous purpose, the survey method was employed in this study, and a questionnaire was developed in exploring the junior high school students’ technology learning performances and preferences. The questionnaire was mailed to 254 schools, and 127 teachers’ and 663 students’ valid questionnaires were returned. The main results of the study were as follow: (1) Junior high school students had normal degree of familiarity in curriculum contents, learning activities, and teaching methods in living technology, and their preferences were the impacts of technology and creative hands-on learning in curriculum contents, game-based and hands-on learning activities, game-based and demonstration teaching methods. (2) Living technolog teachers had higher degree of agreement in curriculum contents, utilized different learning activities, and adopted the didactic and demonstration teaching methods. (3) Junior high school teachers and students had different viewpoints in implementing the curriculum contents, learning activities, and teaching methods in living technology, so it was worthy of emphasis, reflection, and improvement. In sum, it is hoped that these conclusions could be taked as important references for the 12-year compulsory education curriculum reform or other related members.國中生生活科技學習現況學習偏好junior high school studentslearning performancelearning preferencesliving technology國中生科技學習現況與偏好之研究A Study of Junior High School Students’ Technology Learning Performances and Preferences