蔣旭政Chiang, Hsu-Cheng林琬渝Lin, Wan-Yu2022-06-082026-02-182022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/b65f370a0c21fd93151e0bae0ba81a78/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/1173972019年5月24號公告釋字748號施行法開始生效,台灣正式成為第一個實現婚姻平權的亞洲國家,然2018年底舉行的公投選舉結果顯示台灣不同世代對於同婚議題的意見依舊分歧。近十年來,傳播方式隨著科技進展有許多變化,傳統媒體不再是吸收資訊的唯一窗口,社群媒體逐漸取而代之,成為許多閱聽人了解新知的來源。因此本研究使用巨量資料分析,以Python爬蟲撈取2017年1月1日到2019年12月31日傳統媒體網路新聞與社群媒體粉絲專頁的內容,了解其字詞使用的差異,再輔以深度訪談法,了解不同世代、學經歷背景的閱聽人之媒介使用方式,以及對於同婚議題態度為何。 根據研究結果,傳統媒體網路新聞在近三年來針對同性婚姻的相關報導著重在制度上的更迭,藉由關鍵字分析發現大法官釋憲的解釋、立法的相關機構/政治人物、同婚公投正反意見陳述等皆是出現頻率極高的字詞。而社群媒體粉絲專頁則因應立場不同在整體發文上有不同的表現,反同粉專「下一代幸福聯盟」將粉專視為說服性工具,希望閱聽人能夠贊成他們的公投提案,並呼籲政府重視公投結果,而挺同粉專「彩虹平權大平台」則將粉專視為交流平台,希望社會大眾能攜手創造性別友善環境。數位原住民(1980後出生)與學歷較高的數位移民(1980前出生)多使用社群媒體做為吸收知識的主要來源,多數數位移民則使用傳統媒體來認識不同社會議題,且數位原住民從小就透過各項媒介來認識同志議題,對於同婚也多表示贊成,數位移民則表示這對他們來說是一個「新」的議題,從小就疏於認識與接觸,且皆表示反對這項法律的通過。總結來說,從小對於性傾向的認識程度不一是導致閱聽人對於同性婚姻態度不同的原因之一,因此若台灣想要達到真正的文化平權,就必須在媒體報導中傳遞客觀正確的觀念,讓閱聽人有機會深入認識多元性傾向。On May 24, 2019, the implementation law of Announcement No. 748 came into effect. Taiwan became the first Asian country that achieves equal rights in marriage. However, the results of the referendum held at the end of 2018 showed that different generations of Taiwanese still have divided opinions on the issue of homosexual marriage. In the past decade, there have been many changes in communication methods along with technological progress. Social media has gradually replaced traditional media to become major source of new knowledge for many audiences. Therefore, this ariticle attempts to use big data analysis of content between online news and fan pages from January 1, 2017 to December 31, 2019. And then uses in-depth interviews to learn about the media use and attitudes toward homosexual marriage of audiences from different generations and academic backgrounds. According to the results, the online news reports related to homosexual marriages in the past three years were focused on the changes in the law. Furthermore, the justice's interpretation of the constitution, the relevant legislative institutions/politicians and the homosexual marriage referendum are the words that are mentioned frequently in these news reports. Fan page "Next Generation Happiness Alliance" is regarded as a tool to persuade readers stand for their potision. Another fan page "Rainbow Equality Platform" is regarded as a communication platform to create a gender-friendly environment with the public. Digital aboriginals (born after 1980) and digitalimmigrants (born before 1980) with higher academic qualifications use social media as main sources of information, most digital immigrants use traditional media to understand social issues. Digital aborigines had learned gay issues since they were young, and all of them support for homosexual marriage. Digital immigrants said homosexual marriage is a"new" issue for them and all of them are disagree with it. In conclusion, the media help readers to understand issues. If media objectively deliver information about gay issues, then the society will be more harmony.婚姻平權同婚公投大數據分析網路爬蟲深度訪談社群媒體marriage equalityhomosexual marriage referendumbig data analysisweb crawlersin-depth interviewssocial media以鉅量資料分析傳統媒體網路新聞與社群粉絲專頁對於同婚議題內容字詞之差異Using Big Data Analysis of content for homosexual marriage between website news and fan pages學術論文