汪靜明盧敏惠2019-09-052014-8-252019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN060046007S%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/1036262011年是聯合國的「國際森林年」,各國在各地推動「百萬森林」計畫,全球約一百個城市進行種植一百萬棵樹的全球行動。這是一個國際性的植樹活動計畫,亦是全球著名的植樹綠化活動之一,該活動同時推動環境教育、生態文化導覽與鑑賞、綠化、防沙漠化和保護文明的工作。本研究範圍為蒙古國,位處中亞洲,是世界第二大內陸國,森林覆蓋率低,水資源匱乏,為全球矚目的生態戰略地點之一。本研究目的在於了解「到蒙古種樹-百萬森林計畫」推動之環境教育意涵,以及環境教育參與者角色功能分析。研究方法採取質性方法,以WHO-IDEA思議方法、深度訪談、文獻分析與參與觀察等方式,進行研究分析並交叉檢核研究之正確性,希冀依據嚴謹的學術方法,提供方法論以協助蒙古國推動環境教育及環境復育工作。 研究結果顯示「到蒙古種樹-百萬森林計畫」推動之環境教育意涵如下:(1)從小培養種樹護樹,愛護環境的覺知及環保行動可強化永續的觀念;(2)種樹行動要確實,才能藉由可長可久的行動落實計畫;(3)提升全民正確的環境知識素養,種樹要從小苗種起才容易存活,要在適當的時間適當地方,種適當的、有經濟價值的蒙古原生樹種,種了還要照顧它至少照顧4-6年(幼年期)才會存活,這是尊重生命、尊重環境的體現;(4)培養愛護環境正確的態度,具備能力分析環境破壞後所造成的災害,及關心地方環境,並採取適宜的行動;(5)學習保護環境的技能,種植有經濟價值的樹木(生產層面),協助其製作成商品、行銷販賣獲利以改善生活(生活層面),持續種植與照顧樹木,以保護水源,照顧環境,使環境永續發展(生態層面)。 本研究參與者之角色分析結果顯示,專家學者以客觀立場,扮演生態學者及環境教育學者雙重角色;而在環境教育參與者角色扮演上,則發揮供給者及中介者之角色功能。在研究者角色轉移上,主要建立於針對社會支持的影響層面,其中關鍵因素在於專家學者在歷程發展的觀念引導、知識傳授、價值澄清、資源提供提出具體建議之功能。研究者目前角色為桃園縣環境保護協會會長,在本研究中為中介者與接受者,經過參與式的行動研究之後,後續將成果賡續推動桃園縣石門水庫集水區植樹造林護水源運動,企盼在鄉土環境教育上產生生產、生活及生態等三方面效益。“The Year of Forests” has been dated by the United Nations during 2011. Internationally, the project of “Country-driven Million Forests” have been organized to plant one million trees in 100 cities worldwide. This is an international plan to plant trees, meanwhile this is also representing one of the world’s famous tree planting activities to promote environmental education, ecological& cultural tours, appreciation, greenery, anti-desertification, and civilization protecting works. Mongolia, located in Asia, is the world’s second-largest landlocked country with low forest cover, water scarcity, representing one of the world’s attention by her ecological strategic locations in this study. The purpose of this study is to understand“Millions Forest Plan - Planting Trees in Mongolia” to promote environmental education implications based on functional analysis of the role of environmental education participants. Qualitative research methods have been adopted by WHO-IDEA associated by depth interviews, document analysis, and participant observation, etc. This study has been carried out by cross-check the correctness of focus targets based on rigorous academic approaches to drive the methodology to boost Mongolia toward sustainable environmental education and restoration. The results show that“Millions Forest Plan - Planting Trees in Mongolia” was intended to promote environmental education meanings are indicated as follows: (1) caring for the environment awareness and environmental action can strengthen sustainable concepts while planting in young kids; (2) a planting trees action is turned as a long way to act to implement plans; (3) promoting to enhance the knowledge of environmental literacy, planting seeds from young age with appropriate place at right time by concerning the value of native species, while taking care of trees by 4-6 years, which should be respected for their life and reflected their living environment; (4) concerning the right culture of caring for the environmental attitude with the capability to focus on disaster analysis of environmental damage, and concerning for the local environment to take appropriate actions; (5) learning the skills to protect the environment, knowing the economic value of trees planted (aspects of production), supporting them made into commodities, increasing marketing profits to improve people's lives (aspects of life), while continuous planting and caring of trees to protect the water, taking care of the environment by sustainability (aspects of ecological dimension). The role in this analysis showed that the participants, experts, and scholars have been represented as objective stances. In addition, ecologists of environmental education played a dual role as scholars. An involving participant in this environmental education acted as my role-playing, then played the roles as one of the providers with intermediary functions. My research role occurred in the transfer to build in supporting for the social impacts where the key factor was that experts and scholars developed the concept of guidance, knowledge transfer, value clarification, as well as the resource providers in functions. The researcher, presenting role as the President of the Environmental Protection Association in Taoyuan County, was turned in the present study as intermediaries and recipients. The results of the follow-up experiences after this participatory action research could be continuously promoted the case of the Shimen Reservoir in Taoyuan County, retainingwater catchment afforestation campaign, hoping to generate production, living and ecological benefits of the three aspects of environmental education in the country.氣候變遷土地沙漠化環境教育環境永續climate changeglobal warmingenvironmental education implicationsenvironmental sustainability從參與的觀察者角度初探「到蒙古種樹-百萬森林計畫」推動之環境教育意涵及參與者角色分析The Implications of Environmental Education Outreach and the Roles of the Participants’ Analysis from the Perspective of an Observer: A Preliminary Study of “Millions Forest Plan - Planting Trees in Mongolia”