趙震揚Chen-Yang Chao2019-08-122019-08-122015-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/80653戰後臺灣最主要負責美援480公法救濟物資分配的兩個教會團體為「天主教福利會」和「基督教福利會」,其建立了配給制度以及物資分配的規範,不過實際執行上卻遇到不少的問題,最常見的是溝通不良、教會人員不願意處理、人員的貪瀆,或是對於物資不了解以及不符生活習慣等等,美臺雙方皆用了不少心力去處理這樣的問題,期盼能增進救濟物資使用的整體效率。到了美援中後期,基督教福利會遵循美方總部的政策,對臺社會福利工作政策有所轉變,從救濟轉向以工代賑,輔導就業等,在當時也引起了不小的爭議,雖然因為美國政府支持臺灣的情況下順利的平息,不過也代表美援救濟物資計畫逐漸走向終結,社會福利政策轉型勢在必行。The major religious groups applying for Public Law 480 surplus commodities in Taiwan are Taiwan Christian Service and National Catholic Welfare Committee. Both Groups also establish the ration card system in Taiwan, it helps the surplus commodities distribution become stable and regular. But also faced some distribution issues like bad communication, church personnel unwilling to coordinate, the corruption of the distributer, or do not know how to deal with the commodities. At the late period of American Aid, Taiwan are Taiwan Christian Service follow the steps of Church World Service, try to focus on work relief and employment counseling, but lead to a controversy, in the end due to the interfere of the US Government, it clam down, but the end of 480 surplus commodities is unavoidable, the transformation of social relief work is imperative.美援480公法社會救助基督教福利會天主教福利會American-AidPublic Law 480Social Relief WorksTaiwan Christian ServiceNational Catholic Welfare Committee美援480 公法救濟物資發放相關問題Discussions of American-Aid Public Law 480 Surplus Commodities Distribution