梁一萍老師2015-06-292012-022015-06-292014-04-25http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/67433This course aims to introduce tostudents some of the most representative literary texts written in English(and in English translation). As we will meet two hours each week, the classtime will be divided between teacher's lectures and student'spresentations. Each week, theteacher will spend one hour introducing the selected texts from the textbook, and the studrnts will present on assigned readings during the other half of the class. The lectures will cover some of the most representative texts written in English (and in translation), whlie thw presentations will focus on a few selected texts. It's wished that thw students willbe exposed to some of most widely-read texts of literatures written in English(and in translation) and the therefore inspired to the ideas and imagination of writers in the world.課程投影片CNS LOMLOM v1.0SCORM_CAM_v1.3影音課程 講義課程zh-TW藝術英文藝術總論語言學總論藝術英文100(下)