魏曉盈董秀蘭Hshio- Ying WeiXiu- Lan Dong2014-10-272014-10-272012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/3855本研究的目的在於分析七年級社會學習領域公民篇教科書文本,對新移民主義題教材的呈現情形,選擇康軒、南一與輸林三個版本七年組社會學習領成公民篇教科書進行文本分析。 依據研究結果,七年組社會學習蠣威公民篇教科書對新移民議題的呈現,內容不足且缺漏;各版本的新移民議題之顯現圖像趨於一致性,且再現形式過於單一化;各版本亦皆淺化新移民議題的多元文化意涵。 最後,依據研究結論,提出相關建議以及後續研究,以供參考。This study aims at analyzing the content of the new immigrant issue presented in the social studies/civics textbooks at the seventh grade level,the research methods include text analysis, and three versions oftextbooks, Kang Hsuan, Han Lin and Nani, were examined. Based upon the results, this study proposes two conclusions. First, there are omissions in the presentation of the new immigrant issues in the social studies/civics textbooks. The different versions of textbooks present the same image of the new immigrants, and all textbooks simplify the meaning of cultural diversity concerning the new immigrant issue. Finally, suggestions for the textbook writing, and further studies of the new immigrant issues are offered according to the above-mentioned conclusions.圈中社會學習領或教科書新移民議題教材分析junior high social studies textbooksnew immigrant issuestextbook analysis.七年級社會學習領域公民篇新移民議題的教材分析Social Studies Textbook for the Citizens of the Seventh Grade: The Analysis of the New Immigration Issue