陳光華潘榕森Kuang-Hua ChenRung-Sen Pan2014-10-272014-10-272005-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15422本研究提出一套評估知識管理系統應用績效的架構α-KMS,該架構由技術面、使用面、整體面三個面向組成,每一面向則包含數個構面。本研究並實際應用此α-KMS,估一使用知識管理系統的個案企業。由於該個案企業採用知識管理系統的時間不長,本次個案研究的結果,發不易使用財務指標評估知識管理系統績效;組織文化與制度是知識管理系統推行成功與否的關鍵;使用者使用知管理系統功能多以與例行工作有關的為主;分享行為並不是使用者利用知識管理系統的首要目標;財務表現與知識管理系統的運動關係隊不顯著,而使用者知識管理系統的行為亦不積極,但使用者仍主觀肯定知識管理系統是企業必要的資訊系統。This paper proposed an assessment framework for application of knowledge management (KM) systems, α-KMS. This framework consists of 3 approaches: technology, utilization, and integrity. In addition, each approach is composed of numerous components. A corporation with real experiences on a knowledge management system is selected for practical case study. The assessment results show that: it is not easy to evaluate KM systems’ performance through financial indictors; organizations’ culture and system are key points for a successful deployment of KM system; The popular features of KM systems are related to the routine tasks; The main purpose for users to use KM systems is not to share knowledge; Even the link between financial performance and KM systems is not significant and users do not sue the KM system frequently, most users still think the KM system should be one of ‘must-have’ information system in their corporation; Outstanding staff are the enthusiastic users of KM systems.評估架構個案研究知識管理知識管理系統Assessment frameworkCase studyKnowledge managementKnowledge management system知識管理系統應用之評估架構與個案研究Assessment Framework for Application of Knowledge Management Systems and a Case Study