柯正峯余淑媛Yu Shwu Yuann2019-08-292007-7-252019-08-292007http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0093023124%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92233摘要 本研究指在探討本研究之主要目的在於從政策面暸解基隆市推展志願服務的過程與現狀;一方面從人力資源運用面了解如何運用與管理志願服務人力資源,另一方面了解人力資源運用與志工服務工作滿意度有密不可分之關係。具體而言,本研究目的如下: 1、瞭解基隆市志工運用之現況。 2、瞭解基隆市志工人力資源運用之情形對召募、組訓、獎懲、考評等。 3、明瞭基隆市不同背景志工其工作滿意度之情形,包括:自我實現滿足、社會需求滿足、組織氣氛滿足、工作特性滿足等。 4、探討基隆市志願服務人力資源運用與志工服務滿意度之相關情形。 5、提研基隆市推展志願服務人力資源運用參考。 本研究採用文獻分析法及問卷調查法,將蒐集量化資料分析處理,以研究基隆市不同背景志工人力資源運用與志工工作滿意度相關性。最後依據主要研究發現,作為結論與建議。 一、結論 (一)基隆市不同背景的志工對工作滿意度之程度上並無顯著差異。惟發現年長者、服務年資較高兩者其工作滿意度較高。 (二) 基隆市志願服務人力資源運用與志工工作滿意度息息相關,人力資源運用愈好則志工工作滿意度愈高。 (三)基隆市志願服務組織氣氛及工作特性,對志工工作滿意度有影響。 (四) 基隆市志願服務人力資源運用在志工獎勵與考評措施皆感到滿意,如果再加強獎懲措施,志工服務效能及工作滿意度會更高。 (五)整體而言,基隆市各類型組織志願服務人力資源運用良好,且志工工作滿意度皆很高。 二、建議 (一)對主管機關建議 1、建立專人專責志願服務人力資源組織機制,並充分運用志工人力資源,提升志工工作滿意度。 2、在招募、組訓志工方面,銀髮族志願服務的人力資源是重要人力資源,但宜再開發年輕志工加入工作行列。 3、加強志工獎懲及考評措施,激勵志工提高工作滿意度。 4、提供志工自我實現及社會需求滿足服務機會,提升工作滿足。 5、提改善組織的工作特性,給予彈性個別化的工作內涵。 6、深入了解志工的需求,營造優質的溫馨組織氣氛。 7、制定公平公正獎懲機制,妥當正式及非正式激勵表揚措施,肯定志工的努力。 8、多舉辦經驗分享及觀摩活動,增進志工彼此間的人際關係與社會互動機會,增進志工社會需求滿足。 9、多安排志工參加專業訓練-基礎及特殊訓練課程,提供志工自我成長的機會,促進自我實現需求滿足。 10、加強志工考評措施,建構工作評估指標。 (二)對志工建議 1、將將志願服務工作視為終身志業,人人皆可以成為志工 2、瞭解自己參與志願服務之社會需求滿足,心存感激,回饋社會。 3、多參與服務及社會學習的途徑,以達到自我實現及社會需求滿足。 (三)對後續研究建議 本研究採用文獻分析法及問卷調查法,蒐集到量化資料,質的研究部分較少,建議後續研究者研究方法待加強質性研究,能以個案研究法輔以深度訪談法,以獲得有意義個別差異性資料。 三、研究限制 本研究從文獻資料及實證方面,探究影響基隆市志願服務人力資源運用及志工工作滿意之關係,惟在研究過程中仍有實際上限制。本研究之限制說明如下: (一)研究推論限制 1、本研究主要在以增進基隆市各地區對於志願服務目標族群的瞭解,因未將司法類及私部門志工列入研究對象,故無法推論至所有類型志願服務組織。 2、由於研究對象局限於基隆市,無法過度推論於其他縣市,但希望可類推至其他相關機構之行政(專任)人員、志工及從事相關研究者之參考。 (二)被研究對象之限制 本研究採行問卷調查法,故可能因受到問卷填答者主觀認知,致問卷結果可能受到影響,研究者擔心無法完整呈現真實情形;故在歸納、整理、分析資料等過程,頗費時費力。 關鍵詞:志願服務、志工、人力資源運用、工作滿意度。Research on the Human Resources Using of the Voluntary Service and Satisfaction of Volunteers in Keelung City Abstract The main purpose of the research is to probe and to understand from the aspect of the policy how to promote the processes and the present situation of the voluntary service in Keelung City: on one hand understand how they make use of and how they manage human resources of the voluntary service from the aspect of human resources, and on the other hand understand that the human resources using and the satisfaction of the voluntary service are closely related. Specifically speaking, the purpose of the research is as follows: 1, Understand the current situation of the volunteer resources using in Keelung City. 2, Understand the situation of the human resources using of the volunteer in Keelung about recruiting, collective training, rewards and punishments, checking and evaluating etc. 3, Understand the different background of the volunteers in Keelung whose satisfaction of work: including realizing ego satisfaction, the satisfaction of social demand, the satisfaction of the organization atmosphere, and the satisfaction of the characteristics of the work etc.. 4, Probe into the human resources using of the volunteer in Keelung City, and the relevant situation with the satisfaction of the voluntary service. 5, Provide their consulting, how to promote the voluntary service of human resources using with Keelung City. The research adopts the analysis approach of documents and questionnaire investigation method, and collects the materials of quantitative to analyze in order to study the different background of the volunteers in Keelung and the relevancy with the satisfaction of the voluntary service. According to the main findings finally, give the following conclusion and suggestion. I. Conclusion (1) There is on apparent difference among the different background of the volunteers on the degree of the worker's satisfaction to their work in Keelung. Only find that the senior and those who have longer service time, relatively they have high satisfaction of working. (2) The human resources using and the satisfaction of the voluntary service are closely related in Keelung City. The better of voluntary service resources using, the higher working satisfaction of the volunteers is. (3) There is some extent influence about the satisfaction of the organization atmosphere, and the satisfaction of working characteristics in Keelung City. (4) There is satisfaction about the human resources using of the volunteer and the measures of rewards and evaluating in Keelung City. If strengthening the rewards and punishments and the efficiency and working satisfaction of the volunteers will be higher. (5) As a whole, it is good that the voluntary service of all kinds of organizations in Keelung City, the human resources using, and the worker's working satisfaction are all very high. II. Suggestions 1.Suggest to the authority organization: (1)set up the mechanism of the special position and the expert in the voluntary service human resources and fully use the human resources of the volunteer to improve worker's working satisfaction. (2)in recruiting , collective training , the human resources of the voluntary service of the senior(silver hair) clan are the important human resources , but should redevelop the young volunteers to join the working ranks . (3)Strengthen the measures of rewards and punishments and checking and evaluating; encourage the volunteers to improve working satisfaction. (4)Offer the service chance of the volunteers to realize himself and the social demand satisfaction in order to improve the working satisfaction. (5)Improve working characteristics of the organization; Offer the working intension elastically and individually. (6)Understand the volunteer 's demand in depth, build the excellent quality and warm atmosphere of the organization. (7)Make the mechanism of fair and just rewards and punishments;Encourage the measure of formal and informal praise appropriately; affirm the efforts of the volunteers. (8)Hold experience sharing and view and emulate the activity more;increase the relationship of the volunteers between each other and the interaction chance with society; promote the satisfaction of social demand (9)Arrange for the volunteers to participate in professional training more - the basic and the special training program; offer the chance for volunteers to grow up; promote volunteers to realize themselves the demand satisfaction. (10)Strengthen the volunteers the measure of checking and evaluating. Build and construct the performance of evaluation index . 2. Suggest to the volunteers (1)Take volunteer services as the lifetime industry , and everybody can be a volunteer. (2)Understand participating in the voluntary service is a kind of the social demand , with deep gratitude to feedback the society. (3)Participate more in serving and social study to reach the realizing ego satisfaction and the satisfaction of social demand. 3. Suggest to the follow-up study The research adopts the analysis approach of documents and questionnaire investigation method, and collects the materials of quantitative to analyze. There are less research parts of the qualitative. Suggest to the follow-up study to strengthen the qualitative to study, and complement with the case study and the interviewing approach, in order to obtain the materials of meaningful and individual differences. III. The restriction of the research The research is from the literature data and the positivism to probe into the relation between the voluntary service resources using and the satisfaction of the volunteers. But there is some restriction in the course of studying. The restriction of the research is explained as follows: 1. The restriction of the research inference (1) The research is mainly to increase understand the target clans of the voluntary service of every area of Keelung, for it doesn’t list the administration of justice and the private department volunteers as the objects of the research. So it can not e infer to all types of voluntary service organizations. (2) Because of the research object is confined to Keelung, it can’t be excessive inference in other counties and cities. But wish to analogize to the personnel and the private administration of other relevant organizations for them to engage in the relevant research reference. 2. The restriction of the research object The research adopts the method of questionnaire investigation the tested whose conduct may be influenced because of their subjective cognition when they filled out the questionnaire and that causes the result influenced. The researcher worries about being unable to present the true situation. So summing up , putting in order , analyzing the data , the course has been quite time-consuming and strenuous. Keyword: voluntary service , volunteer, human resources using , the satisfaction of working.志願服務志工人力資源運用工作滿意度voluntary servicevolunteerhuman resources usingthe satisfaction of working基隆市志願服務人力資源運用及志工工作滿意度之研究Research on the Human Resources Using of the Voluntary Service and Satisfaction of Volunteers in Keelung City