信世昌Hsin,Shih-Chang鄭淯心Cheng, Yu-Hsin2019-08-282015-10-292019-08-282015http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0699800227%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/86247隨著全球兒童中文學習者的增加,兒童中文教學資源之需求也隨之增加,成為更值得探討的議題。在兒童學習華語的路程上,學習漢字是一大關卡。本研究探討如何將多元智能的學習活動運用於兒童漢字之學習,以泰國萊掌小學為例,進行為期兩天的教學實驗,於實驗後針對教學結果進行省思與討論。 研究者進行文獻探討,並尋求幾位兒童華語教師之經驗後,以多元智能原則為基礎,以教師之建議為參考,著手設計一套兒童漢字學習活動,並至泰國萊掌小學實施。教案實施後,經檢討與省思,發現許多設計與執行上的問題,為改良原先教案之設計,筆者進行反思,並訪談四位資深兒童華語教師,針對教學上遇到的問題尋求解答。 研究結果指出,以多元智能設計非華裔兒童的漢字學習活動,須考量兒童的中文程度,在學生語言能力不足時,以簡單、重複的課室用語下達指令。若要以分組方式來促進兒童合作學習,須明確指派每位學生的個別任務。若要帶領兒童進行藝術創作,教師要給予多種範例,讓兒童在依循時有所選擇。看圖說故事(語文)、畫藝術字(視覺空間)、拼漢字(人際)、以肢體在空中寫字(肢體運作)、尋找指定漢字(自然觀察)等都是容易執行且能引發學生積極參與的活動。童謠(音樂)則可作漢字教學的輔助活動。透過多種智能的學習活動,兒童可以經由多元管道進入漢字的領域,選擇運用自己的優勢智能來學習。另外,泰北的中文教學現況是以傳統聽講為主,若要以多元化的學習活動來豐富當地的教學,可以透過實地教學示範,讓當地教師經由觀察與模仿來精進教學。As the number of children learning Chinese increases globally, the need for teaching resources also increases and has become a hot discussion topic. In the Chinese learning process of children, the grasping of Chinese characters is a big hurdle. This study explores the ways in which the approach of multiple intelligence may be used in learning Chinese characters. With Doi Chang Primary School in Thailand as the subject of the case study, a teaching experiment was conducted for two days, the educational results of which were then reflected on and discussed. In this study, the researcher first conducted a literature review and consulted several TCSL teachers for their experience. A set of Chinese character learning activities for children was then designed based on the theory of multiple intelligence with reference to the recommendations of some teachers, and implemented in Doi Chang Primary School in Thailand. Subsequent to implementation, many design and execution issues were identified following review and reflection. To fine-tune teaching and improve on the original design of the teaching proposal, the author interviewed four senior teachers who taught Chinese to children, to seek answers for the teaching issues. Research results indicate that,when Chinese learning activities for children are designed based on the approach of multiple intelligence, the children’s Chinese level should be taken into consideration. When the class is at elementary level, the activities should be carried out through simple and repetitive instructions. If collaboration among children is desired, teachers must provide clear instructions, such as allocating tasks among the children. In artwork creating sessions, teachers have to provide various examples for the children to follow as options. Activities such as picture story-telling (linguistic intelligence), word art painting (visual-spatial intelligence), jigsaw puzzle game (inter-personal intelligence), writing in the air with limbs (bodily-kinesthetics intelligence), and looking for specific characters (naturalistic intelligence), are easy to implement and can inspire children to participate actively. Rhymes (musical intelligence) can also be used as supportive activities. Through a variety of MI learning activities, children are introduced into the world of Chinese characters through diverse ways of learning, and therefore have the option utilizing their advantage intelligence to learn. As for the Chinese classes in northern Thailand, the teaching there is mostly conducted by traditional lecturing. Through the demonstrations of MI learning activities, the teaching design in Chinese classes in northern Thailand could hopefully be enriched.漢字兒童華語多元智能學習活動泰北Chinese charactersteaching Chinese as a second langaugechildrenmultiple intelligenceslearning activitiesnorthern Thailand多元智能在兒童漢字學習活動之運用-以泰北萊掌小學為例Applying MI Theory to Chinese Character Learning Activities for Children–A Case at Doi Chang Primary School in Northern Thailand