黃柏華Po-Hua Huang2014-10-272014-10-272012-12-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/16607成功的轉銜服務應將學校視為整體性的服務規劃單位,統整家庭、教育與社會資源,為身心障礙學生規畫一系列統整的活動,經由專業團隊合作的方式,將轉銜服務的要素融入學生個別化教育計畫的擬訂與執行。本文參照轉銜服務的要素,依據學生所處的情境與需求,提出高中職教育階段全校性轉銜方案的重點:1.人員組織與任務;2.工作重點與實施流程;3.課程設計與規劃;4.合作系統的建立與連結。透過具體的方案規畫一系列以成果導向的轉銜服務方案,達到符合身心障礙學生個別需求的轉銜教育目標。“School” should be regarded as a unit to provide integrated services in successful transition programs, which include a series of activities combining family, educational and social resources. With the collaboration of a professional team, the elements of transition services, involving the design and execution of an Individualized Education Plan, must be provided. This paper explains the elements of school-wide transition services in high school, including the organization and assignment of the faculty, the main points and executive procedures, the designs and arrangements of curriculum, and the establishment and connection of a collaboration system. Through the design of a series of goal-oriented transition services, the individual goals of transition education will be achieved.全校性轉銜方案轉銜服務個別化教育計畫school-wide transition programtransition servicesinduvidualized education plan高中職階段身心障礙學生全校性轉銜方案的設計原則The Principles of School-Wide Transition Program for Students with Special Needs in a High School