蘇文清陳潁2020-12-102017-8-102020-12-102012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0698600383%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/115515「潮流」是什麼?這個語彙被本地媒體大量的使用,在年輕世代之間傳頌,本土潮流品牌如雨後春筍般創立,進而成為一個具有龐大商機的獨立市場,影響力不容小覷;然而,卻很少有人實際去剖析「潮流」從何而來。本創作研究首先定義出潮流品牌與街頭服飾的異同之處,進一步再從西方青年次文化與各類音樂美學作深入的文獻探討,進而找出其共同之視覺元素根源。另一方面,對於現代世界知名的潮流品牌作一整理,從歐美次文化以降至日本原宿式美學的發展始進行回顧,並整理其視覺語彙、品牌形象以及具有代表性的商品進行綜合形象分析,並建立出潮流品牌的視覺元素操作模式。並運用這些研究結果來執行自身擔任潮流品牌DeMarcoLab藝術總監的實務商品設計,藉此驗證該設計模式的可執行度,希望本研究能提供一種次文化風格的視覺語彙轉化過程與方式,給與日後設計工作者在潮流品牌的設計以及次文化相關題材設計上的參考。What is the "trend"? This vocabulary was extensive use of local media, among the younger generation lips, the local trend of the brand rised, and thus become a huge business opportunities in the independent market, the influence should not be underestimated; however, only very few people in actually parsing trend "comes from. This special clothing type from the extension of Western popular culture, youth sub-culture out its aesthetic point of view is rooted in the cultural backgrounds, trace the origin is an important objective of this study: this creation research were based on sub-cultural texts and world famous street wear brands, and explore how to design strategies to establish a whole line of various trend of brand image, coupled with itself as a trend brand (DeMarcoLab), as an art director of the work experience and product design to verify the enforceability of the design pattern has a unique style and the international competitiveness of the trend of world-class brand image to the visual vocabulary practice.次文化潮流街頭服飾品牌形象Sub-cultureStreet wear brandTaiwanese trendy BrandBrand Image街頭服飾潮流品牌化設計創作研究-以Demarcolab品牌為例