林詠能林千秋Lin, Chien-Chiu2020-12-102018-08-302020-12-102018http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0003603308%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114396本研究探討親子觀眾參與博物館經驗,應用GLOs總體學習成果模式理論,瞭解家庭親子觀眾參觀動機與總體學習成果。此研究以國立臺灣博物館(以下簡臺博館)的家庭親子觀眾為對象。 經由文獻探討、研究設計採問卷調查法,運用SPSS 23版軟體進行敘述性統計分析、信度分析、因素分析、t檢定歸納結論。本研究共有二種問卷,家長版共發放214份問卷,有效問卷205份,回收率95.79%。兒少版共發放217份問卷,有效問卷204份,回收率94%。研究結果顯示:家庭親子觀眾中家長參觀博物館的動機因素首要為逃離因素,社交與家庭互動因素次之,最後為學習動機因素。不同性別家長在參觀動機的差異性分析結果發現:「逃離」、「社交與家庭互動」二個構面上並無顯著差異。但在「學習」構面上,分析結果呈現有顯著差異性。家庭親子觀眾兒少版問卷,GLOs總體學習成果五個構面在性別上的差異,分析結果在「增進知識」及「增進技能」二個構面呈現無顯著差異。「態度與價值觀」、「愉悅感、啟發與創造力」、「行動與行為的改變」三個構面呈現有顯著的差異。 未來研究建議:可嘗試對親子觀眾進行質性相關研究。建議提供優質的參觀友善環境,期望能夠強化博物館與親子家庭活動的連結,提高參觀動機及提供博物館研究者對於規劃教育活動,能有不同多元的學習成果評估研究依據,更能展現博物館的公眾性與專業性。This paper explored parent-child participation experiences in museums. By applying the GLOs (Generic Learning Outcomes) model, we were able to understand the visiting motivations and learning outcomes of family groups. For this paper, the target of study is family groups at the National Taiwan Museum (NTM). Upon literature review, we decided to conduct the research by way of questionnaire. We arrived at inductive conclusions by running descriptive statistical analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and t-test analysis using SPSS ver. 23. There were two versions of questionnaires in this study: 214 parent version questionnaires were distributed, among which, 205 were valid, bringing the return rate to 95.79%. In the child version, among the 217 distributed, 204 were valid, bringing the return rate to 94%. For parents of family groups, research results indicated the fleeing factor as the main motivation, followed by the factor of social and family interaction, while the learning factor trailed behind. Results showed that visiting motivations of parents of different genders did not have significant disparity on the aspects of “fleeing” and “social and family interaction”. However, on the “learning” aspect, a considerable gap was present. In the child version questionnaire, gender differences yielded the following results from GLOs. Analysis showed little disparity in the two aspects of “knowledge enhancement” and “skills improvement”. Results showed significant differences in the other three aspects: “attitude and values”, “pleasure, inspiration, and creativity”, and “change in action and behaviour”. For future researches, we recommend conducting qualitative research on family groups. We recommend providing a family-friendly visiting environment in hopes to strengthen the bond between museums and family group activities. This study can be the basis for museum staff to design educational activities and increase visiting motivations that provide more diverse learning outcomes, hence enforcing the museums’ public values and professionalism.親子觀眾家庭觀眾參觀動機滿意度總體學習成果模式(GLOs)parent-child groupfamily groupvisiting motivationsatisfactionGeneric Learning Outcomes (GLOs)親子觀眾博物館參觀動機與總體學習成果之研究A Study of Visiting Motivations and Generic Learning Outcomes of Family Groups in Museums