陳文華方進隆Chen, Wun-HwaFang, Chin-Lung葉進興Yeh, Chin-Shing2019-09-032017-06-272019-09-032017http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0102590129%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/94787摘 要 台灣隨著社會快速的變遷,人類壽命的延長,人口老化現象普遍,在地老化是未來規劃與推動的趨勢,養成規律運動和健康的生活方式,可以減緩老化並預防改善疾病,且能提升身體功能與生活品質,中高齡參與社區活動的好處及社區運動經營管理模式值得研究與探討。 本研究主要目的為瞭解新北市萬里社區發展協會中高齡者運動之經營管理模式,利用問卷瞭解社區運動經營管理的滿意度和效益,也藉由文獻探討提供較有效率的社區運動經營管理模式,供相關單位參考。 本研究以130位住在新北市萬里社區,年齡五十歲以上的中高年齡者為研究對象,以實際訪談和問卷調查收集運動參與滿意度和效果等資料,問卷中每個題目以Likert五分等級量表計分,所得資料以描述統計和卡方檢定加以分析比較。結果發現中高齡參與者對於社區運動參與的整體滿意度平均為4.11分(最高五分),屬高的滿意度,其中以資源(環境與場地設施)的平均滿意度最高(4.19分),接著是組織(專業素養,平均分數4.17分)、活動(課程規劃與安排,平均4.07分)與服務(4.02分)。而參與社區運動的效益總平均分數為4.10分,有較高的運動參與效益,而其中以幫助養成規律運動習慣的效益最高(4.27分),然後是改善人際關係(4.23分)和幫助養成健康生活方式(4.22分),最低的效益為減輕體重(3.93分)。自評健康良好的中高齡者對於社區運動參與之滿意度愈高,且每(天)次運動時間為1小時以上中高齡者參與運動之滿意度和效果程度亦愈佳。 較有效和能永續經營的社區中高齡者運動經營管理需要考量相關因素,萬里社區發展協會考量組織、資源、活動與服務等運動經營管理模式,利用社區組織的力量,聘請專業人員,增取社會資源(如爭取經費、改善場地和設備等),規劃適當的課程或活動和提供適度的服務,而讓社區中高齡者方便參與社區的運動課程,使用運動場所與設施,進而提升中高齡者的身體活動量和健康狀況。 關鍵詞:中高齡者、運動參與、參與滿意度、效果、經營管理模式Abstract With the rapid social change and more aging population, the life expectance of people in Taiwan is increased. To face the ageing society, the policy of Aging in Place is the trend for activity planning and promotion. Regular exercise and healthy lifestyle can slow down the process of aging, prevent and improve the disease condition, and enhance the life quality. Therefore, the administration and management model of local community physical activity program and its effects and satisfaction are needed for investigation. The main purposes of this study were to understand the administration and management model of community physical activity programs of Wanli community development association in New Taipei city, and to investigate the satisfaction of the participants and effects of the physical activity programs. Also, the more sustainable and effective model will be provided through literature review. There were 130 subjects more than 50 years old and lived in Wanli community were recruited for this study. The designed 5 Likert scale questionnaire and interview were used to collect the related information. The collected data were mainly analyzed with descriptive statistic and chi-square test analysis, and the main results were followed: The average satisfaction score of total physical activity program was 4.11 points ( 0-5 points), the participant had somewhat high satisfaction. The resource (environment and facility) had highest satisfaction score (average 4.19 points), then the organization (professional expertise, average 4.17 points), the program (program planning and arrangement, average 4.07 points) and the service (average 4.02 points). The average benefits of the total community program was 4.10 points, the participant had gain somewhat high benefit of the physical activity program. The highest benefit was help keeping regular exercise (4.27 points), then improving human relationship (4.23 points) and maintaining healthy lifestyle (4.22 points), the lowest benefit was controlling body weight (average 3.93 points). For those who were in good health condition had more satisfaction of physical activity program, and the middle-senior adults who exercised more than one hour daily had more satisfaction and effects of physical activity program. To have more effective and sustainable management of physical activity program for the community middle and elderly adults, some important factors needed to take into consideration. The Wanli community association had applied some parts of factors for management, such as the organization (team work and professional staff), resource (financial aid, and improve the facility), activity (program plan and arrangement) and service. Proper management of community physical activity program will make more accessible for the exercise facility and programs, and increase the physical activity and health condition of the community middle-aged adults. Keywords: middle-aged adults, exercise participation, participation satisfaction, effect, administration and management model.中高齡者運動參與參與滿意度效果經營管理模式middle-aged adultsexercise participationparticipation satisfactioneffectadministration and management model中高齡者社區運動之經營管理模式-以新北市萬里社區發展協會為例Management Model of Community Exercise for Middle-age and Elderly Adults:A Case Study of Wanli Community Development Association