楊艾琳鄭喬云2019-09-062016-02-202019-09-062012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096613123%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/108424沃爾夫是繼舒伯特、舒曼之後,表現出色的德國藝術歌曲作曲家之一,由於對文學涉獵廣泛,其歌詞選材更加廣泛。受華格納的影響在音樂表現上,有更多的戲劇性與對比衝突感,更有其他作曲家少見的幽默趣味性。 本論文從《莫里克歌曲集》與《義大利歌曲集》當中,選取十六首關於幽默的歌曲做分析、研究。研究範圍包括作曲家生平與作曲風格、兩部歌曲集的詩詞創作背景與分析與作曲手法、選曲的曲式分析。綜合文獻資料與筆者分析,提出建議與演唱的詮釋心得。 研究後心得:歌者演唱此類歌曲時,首重歌詞意涵的了解,並留意歌詞輕重音節,如同沃爾夫熟悉朗讀詩詞的流暢感。當歌者熟稔聲樂與鋼琴間曲調的相互關係後,對於演唱氣息的掌握與音高轉換的技巧,會更有方向性。與鋼琴伴奏合作時,樂句的段落和呼吸銜接也要仔細推敲琢磨。Wolf has been one of the greatest Lied (German art song) composers after Schubert and Schumann. His comprehensive literary erudition contributes to his diverse sources when writing lyrics. Inspired by Richard Wagner, his pieces shed not only more dramatic touch and stark contrast tone, but also more elements of humor and amusement that hardly seen in that of other composers. This paper aims to analyze and study 16 humorous songs selected from Mörike-Lieder and Italienisches Liederbuch. The research scope not only covers the composer’s whole life and style of music, but also reaches to how he was inspired to write the two song selections and the techniques he applied. The form analysis of the song selections is included in the research. Based on the overall literary data and the ideas presented by the author, the article will render suggestions as well as the afterthoughts after singing and interpreting the songs. Thoughts after this research: when one sings songs of this kind, it is of great importance to know the meaning of lyrics, and pay attention to both heavy and light syllables, as how Wolf familiarizes rhythms in lines of poems. When a performer knows thoroughly about interrelations between vocal music and piano tunes, he/she will be more certain about breath-adjusting techniques when singing and the skill to shift pitches. When accompanied on piano, a performer shall carefully manage to match each stop of song lines with every breath.沃爾夫幽默歌曲莫里克歌曲集義大利歌曲集Hugo WolfHumorous songsMorike-LiederItalienisches Liederbuch沃爾夫幽默歌曲研究─以《莫里克歌曲集》與《義大利歌曲集》選曲為例A study of Hugo Wolf’s humorous songs: Selections from Mörike-Lieder and Italienisches Liederbuch