邱銘心Ming-Hsin Chiu黃若涵Jo-Han Huang2019-08-282011-8-12019-08-282011http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0697150202%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/89286隨著社會與科技的進步,為了讓生活健康水準上升,人們對於醫療及健康保健等話題越來越重視。本研究希望了解高中生的健康保健需求、利用網路解決健康保健問題的行為、面臨到的網路障礙以及解決辦法,分析高中生的網路使用行為,以資作為學校未來進行健康教育課程改革之參考。 本研究以質化研究為取向,抽取十個樣本做為研究對象,研究對象彼此間互不認識,年紀介於16至18歲之間,不含進修部、夜補校以及高職五專生。研究方法為半結構式訪談,並且以質化分析辦法製作編碼表,整理歸納資料。 依據資料分析的結果,本研究發現如下: 一、 高中生的健康資訊需求可分為生理及心理兩大方向:生理需求多數來自於針對高中生個人的健康問題、對他人的關懷以及在健康教育學習過程中所欠缺的知識;而心理健康資訊需求多半來自於學校課業、家庭以及同儕之間的緊張和壓力。 二、 高中生使用網路的動機來自環境外在因素以及個人內在因素:環境外在因素提升了高中生使用網路的動力,促使高中生使用網路檢索資訊;而個人內在因素則是高中生因為個人喜好以及信任感而選擇網路作為搜尋的管道。 三、 高中生網路使用行為來自於平日生活中的學習經驗:高中生會依照個人的習慣及經驗有不同的檢索方式、資料判斷方式以及網路平台的選擇,健康資訊素養來自個人生活中的學習過程,造就了不同的資訊行為。 四、 高中生解決網路障礙以及個人能力為主,他人協助為輔:在資訊尋求的過程中,高中生在面臨網路困難及障礙時會先試著靠自己的能力去解決,仍就失敗的話才會轉而向他人求助。Since with the progress of society and technology, people pay more attention to the topic of medical and health care in order to increase health living. This thesis aims to understand the high school students’ health needs, using the internet to solve the health problem, health information behavior and how do they deal with the problem of internet use. To provide for the school as a health education curriculum standard in the future. This thesis does data collection through semi-structured interviews, and analysis by coding table. Take ten high school students as object of study. All of them did not know each other, the age between 16 to 18 years old. It does not including non-education, night school and junior college students. This thesis finds out that: 1. The healthy information needs of high school students could be divided into physical and psychological directions: their physical healthy information needs from their own healthy problem, concern for other people and the lack of healthy knowledge from school education; and the mental health information needs most from schoolwork, family and peer’s stress. 2. The motivation for using the Internet from environment externalities and internal factors: environment externalities make high school students use Internet to search information; and internal factors means students basic on the personal preferences to use Internet. 3. High School students’ information behavior from the experience of daily life: students will follow the personal habits and experience to choose the Internet and method. Their health information literacy from the individual life learning process. 4. Students solve the problem from Internet first by personal capacity, the second by other people help: during the information seeking process, the high school students deal with the network by themselves, if they could not do it well then they would ask other people.高中生健康素養健康資訊需求健康資訊行為High school studentshealth literacyhealth information needshealth informhealth information behavior高中生身心健康資訊之網路使用行為研究High school students' online health information behavior