陳瓊花蘇芳儀Fang-I Su2020-12-102005-7-202020-12-102005http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069260003%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114487本研究目的為了解視覺藝術教學上實施檔案評量,對國小六年級高低學習成就學生學習表現的影響。期透過檔案評量的實施,促進國小視覺藝術適性教學的功效。本研究以「我的寫真集」為主題,設計多元化評量導向的視覺藝術課程,依據各單元中七項藝術行為的學習重點及具體目標,規劃評分規準與項目,作為量化分析的依據。另於課程各階段進行現場觀察,並個別訪談四位特殊表現學生。研究所獲致的重要結論如下: 一、應用檔案評量於國小六年級之視覺藝術課程,評量策略多元,教學活動與內容也隨之活潑、生動。學生的學習興趣及行為表現也多樣化,對於全班與高低學習成就學生的學習效果,都有正面影響。 二、國小六年級高低學習成就學生,七項藝術行為表現具有多元特性。高學習成就學生有些行為表現不如預期,而低學習成就學生某些行為表現超過預期。此一結果顯示,傳統以「作品評分」為主的單一評量方式,可能無法發展學生多方面的藝術能力。 三、高學習成就學生的七項藝術行為總表現,有些僅達「中表現」。而低學習成就學生的七項藝術行為總表現,有些可達「中表現」,甚有達到「高表現」,顯示檔案評量可能對低學習成就學生幫助較大。 最後根據研究發現,及研究過程中的限制,對視覺藝術教育及未來相關研究提出建議。This study investigates the application of portfolio assessment on visual art instruction and its influence on sixth-grade students with different learning achievements, aiming to increase the efficacy of visual art adaptive instruction. The title of the visual art curriculum for this research is “My Album”. It is developed for multiple assessments: teaching goals and the evaluation of students’ achievements in each unit of the course are designed according to the seven basic art behaviors. The results then form the basis for quantitative analysis. In addition to in-class observation of each stage of the course, four students with special achievements are also interviewed to provide a more complete picture. Based on the conclusions and limitations of this study, some suggestions are made to visual art education and for future research. The main findings of this research are as follows: I. The application of portfolio assessment on sixth-grade visual art instruction provides a varied method in evaluation, diversity in teaching, and results in vigorous responses from students. It promotes interest in learning, and has positive influence on both high- and low-achievement students. II. There are differences in the seven basic art behaviors among sixth-grade students with high or low learning achievement. Some art behaviors of the high learning achievement students are below expectation, while some of the low learning achievement students perform better than expected. This demonstrates that the traditional assessment of student performance only by their art works may not help them develop their abilities in the many aspects of art education. III. Some art behaviors of high learning achievement students reach only medium overall performance; on the other hand, those of low learning achievement students manage to achieve medium or even high performance. This means that portfolio assessment is likely to be more beneficial to low achievement students rather than to high achievement students. Finally, according to the conclusions and limitations of this study, the researcher made some suggestions to visual art education and some relevant research.檔案評量學習成就學習表現七項藝術行為規準portfolio assessmentlearning achievementlearning performanceseven basic art behaviorscriterion從檔案評量看高低學習成就學生在視覺藝術之學習表現An Investigation of Students’ Performance in Learning of Visual Arts by Comparing Two Groups with High and Low Scores of Portfolio Assessment.