劉秀嫚Show-Mann Liou柯佳婷Chia-Ting Ko2019-08-282013-2-192019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0099073107%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88406本研究旨在探討北區大學校院學務主管的領導風格與學務人員組織公民行為之現況,以及學務人員個人背景變項、學校環境變項與學務主管的轉型領導、互易領導對學務人員組織公民行為預測力。 為達上述研究目的,本研究以北區13所大學校院學務人員465人為研究對象,並於101年9月中旬以「北區大學校院學務主管領導風格與學務人員組織公民行為調查問卷」為研究工具進行問卷調查,問卷共回收353份,有效問卷310份,有效回收率66.67%。所得資料以SPSS 19.0 for windows 進行問卷信、效度、描述統計、單一樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析及階層多元迴歸。 本研究結果歸納如下: 一、北區大學校院學務主管運用轉型領導與互易領導均顯著高於理論平均值。 二、學術專業為社會科學和自然科學之學務主管較常運用轉型領導;但性別、年資及學校環境背景不影響學務主管轉型領導的運用。 三、學校規模10001人以上之學務主管較常運用互易領導;但性別、年資、學術專業與學校性質不影響互易領導的運用。 四、北區大學校院學務人員展現組織公民行為均顯著高於理論平均值。 五、男性、壯中年、已婚、資深、學士及學士以下學歷、受過學務專業訓練、服務單位非諮商輔導組,或公立學校的學務人員,其組織公民行為表現較佳;但聘任方式及學校規模不影響學務人員的組織公民行為。 六、學務人員個人背景變項中,性別、婚姻狀況、年資及教育程度對學務人員組織公民行為中的「尊重體制」具有9.8%的顯著預測力;性別及教育程度對「公民德行」具有5.8%的顯著預測力;控制個人背景變項後,學校環境變項中的學校性質對「耐勞負重」具有2%的顯著預測力;在控制個人背景變項與學校環境變項後,轉型領導及互易領導對學務人員組織公民行為具有顯著預測力。 最後,根據本研究之結果,提出對學校相關單位和人員,以及對未來研究的建議,提供參考。The purposes of this study were to understand the relationship between the leadership style of college student affairs chief executive officers and the organizational citizenship behaviors of college student affairs staff in northern Taiwan, and to investigate the predictability of the organizational citizenship behavior of student affairs staff on the basis of their personal characteristics, school environment characteristics, transformational leadership and transactional leadership of college student affairs chief executive officers. The study used a cross-sectional research design. Four hundred and sixty-five student affairs staff were selected from thirteen colleges in northern Taiwan. The data were collected using the “Questionnaire of the leadership style of college student affairs chief executive officers and the organizational citizenship behavior of college student affairs staff in northern Taiwan.” A total of 353 responses were received and among them 310 were valid. The valid response rate was 66.67%. Reliability, descriptive statistics, one-sample t-test and one-way ANOVA were conducted to analyze the data using SPSS 19.0 for windows. The major findings are listed as followings: I.The transformational leadership and transactional leadership of college student affairs chief executive officers perceived by student affairs staff are significantly above theoretical average. II.The college student affairs chief executive officers who major in social sciences or natural sciences exhibit a higher level of transformational leadership. III.The college student affairs chief executive officers who work in larger colleges exhibit a higher level of transactional leadership. IV.The organizational citizenship behaviors of college student affairs staff are significantly above theoretical average. V.Student affairs staff who are male, middle-age, married, senior, hold a bachel degree or below, who are professionally or educationally trained, who don’t serve in the Student Guidance and Counseling Section, or who work in the public colleges exhibit a higher level of organizational citizenship behaviors. VI.The personal characteristics and school environment characteristics of student affairs staff, and the transformational leadership, transactional leadership of college student affairs chief executive officers are predictive of organizational citizenship behaviors of college student affairs staff. Based on the results, suggestion for institutions, student affairs staff and future researchers were proposed.轉型領導互易領導組織公民行為transformational leadershiptransactional leadershiporganizational citizenship behaviors北區大學校院學務主管領導風格與學務人員組織公民行為之相關研究Relationship Between the Leadership Style of College Student Affairs Chief Executive Officers and the Organizational Citizenship Behavior of College Student Affairs Staff in Northern Taiwan