黃明月蔡妤蓁Tsai, Yu Chen2019-08-292021-02-252019-08-292016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060002002E%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92074本研究旨在探討工作自我效能、知覺能力落差及參與訓練需求之關係,以及個人背景變項在工作自我效能、知覺能力落差及參與訓練需求之差異情形,而研究設計以社團法人中華民國全國青年創業總會於104年所辦理之在職員工進修課程學員為母群體,以自編調查問卷「工作自我效能、知覺能力落差及參與訓練需求關係問卷」作為研究調查工具,共發放250份,回收有效問卷211份,有效回收率為84%。 根據統計資料分析結果,歸納出下列研究結論: 一、在職員工的工作自我效能達中上程度,且職級別會造成差異。 二、在職員工對能力落差知覺感受達中上程度,且年齡等五個變項會造成差異。 三、在職員工的參與訓練需求達中上程度,且性別及職級別會造成差異。 四、在職員工自我效能、知覺能力落差與參與訓練需求之整體層面有正相關。 根據上述的研究結論,本研究分別提出對在職員工、辦訓單位、雇主企業及後續研究之建議,以供參考。This study aims to understand the work self-efficacy, the perception of competence gap and the relationship of the training needs, morever the differences of work self-efficacy, perceived competence gap and training needs in term of social background. The subject were from the participants of the training courses of National Association of Young Entrepreneurs, R.O.C. (TAIWAN). 250 questionnaires were distributed, and 211 valid questionnaires were collected. The effective rate was 84%. According to statistical data analysis, the conclusions are 1.The participants’ work self-efficacy were above average, and there were differences on job levels. 2.The participants’ perception of competence gap were above average, and there were difference in term of age, gender, job tenure , job levels and average wage. 3.The participants’ training needs were above average, too. Gender and job level made differences. 4.The participants’ work self-efficacy, perceived competence gap and training needs had positive correlations. According to the above findings, this study provied suggestion to trainers, employer companies.在職員工工作自我效能能力落差訓練需求employeework self-efficacycompetency gapstraining needs工作自我效能、知覺能力落差及參與訓練需求關係之研究The Research of work self-efficacy, the perception of competence gap and the relationship of the training needs.