田秀蘭許佩瑜Pei-Yu HSU2019-08-282016-6-202019-08-282013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0599012115%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/90818本研究目的在瞭解一位童養媳阿嬤的生命故事,研究對象為研究者的親生阿嬤。身為二十一世紀的年輕女性,我從一位研究者的角度,輔以質性研究取向之敘事分析為研究方法和阿嬤對話,並進行資料分析進一步呈現其生命故事。在與阿嬤、文本來回反覆對話及反思中,不僅以孫女的心與眼眸深入貼近,更重新呈現出一位一九三○年代出生的童養媳,於重重不自由的家庭文化與時代背景下,從自卑中淬煉出堅強韌力的生命故事。 本研究由深度訪問阿嬤,開啟自己對其童養媳生平故事暸解的旅程。祖孫女兩人將重新回到那出生富家名門,卻在淡水小鎮以童養媳身分拚搏七十多年的生命脈絡,進一步的深度理解「童養媳」之身分是如何滲透與影響阿嬤的童年、學業、婚姻、家庭與自尊。希望透由此探索能描繪其生命所承載之不凡經歷,並了解阿嬤她是如何看待這一切的經驗,更重要的是試著理解童養媳身分,如何伴隨阿嬤走過她生命中每一刻的悲歡離合。 最終,透由祖孫女心連心的敘說與陪伴歷程,研究者期待能更加靠近阿嬤、認識阿嬤,也完成其對自己生命故事被「完整傾聽、完整保留」的心願。本研究除了呈現出一個孫女兒認識與靠近阿嬤的歷程,更試著以女性作為敘說探究的主體,呈現阿嬤的生命本質,令讀者能理解當代童養媳女性在磨折與苦難下,不屈不撓的多元內涵。This research aimed to understand the life story of a child bride. The researcher’s own grandmother was the research subject in this study. Being a young female in the 21st century, the researcher probed her grandmother’s story as a child bride with a rigorous academic focus and a qualitative psychology orientation. As for the research approach, narrative analysis was used to have conversations with the subject and to analyze the collected data. In the reciprocal conversations with the subject as well as the texts, the researcher not only had a closer look of her grandmother’s life story, but also presented how a child bride born in the 1930s developed mental toughness and resilience through her sense of inferiority against her restrained family culture and the historical background. Through in-depth interviews, the researcher’s grandmother was led into the journey of her own life story as a child bride. The grandmother and the granddaughter together experienced the subject’s life contexts, in which the subject originally came from a prestigious and affluent family but ended up as a child bride struggling in Tamsui for more than 70 years. The subject’s unique identity as a child bride has deeply influenced her childhood, school learning, marriage, family, and self-esteem. It is hoped that this study could truly present the subject's extraordinary experiences and how she interpreted them. Moreover, the researcher tried to understand how the subject's identity as a "child bride" accompanied her through the ups and downs in her life. Lastly, through the close and sincere conversations and accompany between grandmother and granddaughter, the researcher hopes to have a closer relationship with her own grandmother, and also to fulfill her grandmother's wish of having her life story being "completely listened to and reserved". Besides unfolding the process of how a granddaughter having closer relationship and deeper understanding of her grandmother, this study attempts to take a female as the subject of narrative inquiry with the intention to present the the subject's life essence. This way, readers could have a clear look of the unbending and multifaceted nature developed from the tortures and miseries in contemporary child brides' lives.童養媳自卑韌性child brideinferiorityresilience一位童養媳阿嬤的生命故事──從自卑中淬煉堅毅The Life Story of Hsing: a Child Bride’s Inferiority to Resilience