林孟真鄭永銳2019-08-292006-7-202019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0591021017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92357本研究旨在探討921災後社區文化發展的需求以及高中圖書館提供社區文化推廣服務的功能、願景與教師參與高中圖書館災後社區文化推廣工作策略,並將研究結果提供「高中職圖書館辦理社區文化推廣服務」之參考,期能為高中職圖書館辦理社區文化推廣服務提供具體意見。 本研究以國立南投高中及高中職社區化投二區社區居民為研究對象,採用問卷調查法。以普查方式針對國立南投高中的教師進行調查共計98位教師並針對曾參與南投高中各項活動(如投萱聯誼會、活水志工團、電腦研習、陶藝研習及書法研習等)高中職社區化之投二區社區居民共計110位進行調查。 根據研究結果,獲致以下結論: 一、社區民眾921災後社區文化發展的需求 (一)應積極發展社區文化。 (二)宜積極設立「社區志工站」及開辦「社區學苑」;舉辦宣傳文化及提供展示場所。 (三)宜利用課餘時間舉辦社區文化推廣活動。 二、高中職圖書館社區文化推廣服務的功能 (一)發揮社區志工站、社區學苑及社區圖書資源交流等功能。 (二)宜發揮社區文化宣揚的功能。 (三)宜有效流通圖書資源帶動整體社區讀書風氣。 (四)宜發揮社區讀書會之功能。 (五)培訓社區志工參與圖書館推廣利用活動。 (六)宜提供居民終身學習機制建立社區學習體系。 (七)依社區居民之需求按年擬訂社區文化推廣重點工作。 三、高中職圖書館社區文化推廣服務願景 (一)積極營造學校成為社區文化堡壘。 (二)宜掌握地方人文特色建立書香社會。 (三)宜以推展終身教育營建學習型社會。 (四)喚起社區居民愛鄉情操共同關心圖書館營運。 (五)發揮社區學苑之功能以整合社區資源。 四、高中職圖書館社區文化推廣服務校內資源整合 (一)有效整合校內人力資源進行圖書館推廣服務工作。 (二)有效運用校內設備與各科教學結合。 五、高中教師參與高中圖書館災後社區文化推廣工作 (一)就教師專長提供圖書資源。 (二)就教師專長主持讀書會之運作。 (三)就教師專長協助訓練社區志工。 (四)就教師專長擔任社區學苑之課程。 最後根據本研究結論,對教育行政機關、學校、圖書館及教師提出建議。This study was conducted for a two-fold purpose: 1) To assess the community culture development needs after 921-earthquake, and 2) To propose a model for high school library to actively participating in community culture development. National Nantou Senior High School and residents from second region of Nantou city were chosen as respondent institution and community in this study because they typify many of the examples of community cultural development of disaster areas in the country. The study method was through questionnaires survey to both school faculty and community residents. The 208 respondents of this study included 98 faculty members and 110 community residents. Faculty member were limited to those participated in the school community service activities. Analyses of the data gathered from the questionnaire revealed the following aspects in five parts: A. The culture development needs from community residents  Actively preserve and develop community culture is the most important needs after 921-earthquake.  School library shall play an important role in providing volunteer service or community learning center to relieve the 921-earthquake stress and promote lifetime learning.  To host community cultural activities after school time. B. The functions that Senior High School library can provide in community cultural extension services:  The priority ranked from residents for community cultural extension services is Community Volunteer, Community Learning Center and exchange center for community library resources.  Actively promote unique cultural activities.  Be the bridge between community residents and school for education and resources exchange to cultivate reading habits in community.  Setup study groups in community to promote lifetime learning activities.  Train volunteers to promote the usage of library.  Extend library service to community residents to establish community-learning system.  Base on the needs of residents to set up yearly focus of community cultural promotion project. C. Visions of Senior high school library in community cultural extension Service  Let school become the center of community cultural castle.  Establishing learning center to preserve community unique skills and arts  Promote lifetime learning to cultivate a learning society.  Call the attention of local residents to involve in the operating of school library.  Utilize community learning centers to consolidate all the resources among the community. D. Integration of school resources  Effectively utilize existing manpower and budgets within school to promote community cultural service.  Effectively utilize existing school equipments to support different departments. E. Involvement of faculty members  Provide own professional resources to library.  Host study groups and share learning progress.  Assist to train community volunteers base on own specialty.  Teach in community learning centers.高中圖書館文化推廣服務圖書館推廣服務Senior High School LibraryCulture Extension ServiceLibrary Extension Service國立南投高中圖書館921災後社區文化推廣服務之個案研究