唐淑華Tang, Shu-Hua余承澔Yu, Cheng-hao2023-12-082022-06-192023-12-082022https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d74bbc4ac87dd5eb2453b88143088ced/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/119764本研究源於研究者對於自身教學場域之觀察,以及對當今自主學習趨勢的響應。研究者發現,自身所服務之私立兒童課後照顧服務中心(下文以安親班代稱之)的學生,相當缺乏自主學習之能力,因此設計並實施本研究。目的在應用自我調整學習 (Self-Regulated Learning, SRL) 理論以發展一套教學方案,幫助學生在完成回家作業的歷程中習得SRL策略;並檢視學生在接受本方案後,在SRL策略運用與態度上的變化;最後探討研究者在此一歷程中的反思與成長。本研究採用行動研究法,研究場域為臺北市一所安親班的五、六年級混齡班,共13位學生。本研究共分為兩期:行動期與修正期,實施時長皆為六週。在研究過程中,研究者以參與式觀察、文件分析、訪談等方式蒐集資料,並就所蒐集資料進行整理、歸納與分析。 本研究之結論如下: 一、適用於安親班之自我調整學習教學方案的內容主要有二:首先,是透過差異化的計畫表,引導學生進行事前的目標設定、自我激勵與環境建構;在執行時自我記錄、時間管理與尋求幫助;並在事後自我反思。其次,是藉由故事討論與工作站學習法,引導學生在情境中練習SRL的三階段循環。 二、發展教學方案的歷程中,主要遭遇學生難以看見自己的進步、學生缺乏學科學習策略、教師過度焦慮等困難。解決方式則是結構化的教學介入、搭建學習策略鷹架、教師自身善用自我激勵與反思策略等。 三、接受本方案後,學生的SRL策略運用與態度都有所進步,並展現出正向調節的行為。 四、進行本研究後,研究者的教師信念與自我效能感有所改善。 研究者根據上述結論,提出對自我調整學習教學及研究之建議,以供實務工作者或研究者參考。This research was based on the researcher's observation of his own teaching environment and responding to the current trend of self-directed learning. This study was designed and implemented because the researcher found that the students at the after-school care center for children he worked at severely lacked the ability to learn independently. The purposes of the study were to apply the Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) theory in order to develop an instructional program to assist students in learning the SRL strategies during the process of completing their homework; additionally, to examine changes in students' use of SRL strategies and attitudes while participating in the program; and lastly, to explore and discuss the researcher's reflections and growth throughout the process. This research study utilized an action research approach with the research environment consisting of 13 students in a 5th and 6th grade mixed-age class at a private after-school care service center for children in Taipei City. The study was divided into two periods: an action period and a revision period, both of which lasted six weeks. During the study course, the researcher collected data by using methods such as participant observation, document analysis, and interviews, and then the data information collected were organized, summarized, and analyzed.The conclusions of this study were as follows:I.The content of the self-regulated learning instructional program for after-school care classes for children consists of two main components: First, students were guided to set goals, motivate themselves, and build the environment through different planning charts beforehand; to record themselves, manage their own time, and seek help when performing; and to self-reflect afterwards. Secondly, students were guided to practice the three-stage SRL cycle in the context through story discussion andlearning stations.II.During the development of the teaching program, the main obstacles encountered were that students had difficulty seeing their own progression, students lacked subject learning strategies, and teachers were overly anxious. In order to resolve the issues, solutions such as structural teaching interventions, learning strategy scaffold establishment, and teachers' own self-motivation and reflection strategies were implemented. III.While participating in the program, students showed improvement in their use of SRL strategies and attitudes, and demonstrated positive regulated behaviors.IV.The researcher’s teacher beliefs and self-efficacy ability improved while progressing through the study. Based on the above conclusions, the researcher proposes recommendations for self-regulated learning teaching and research to provide reference to practitioners or researchers.自我調整學習回家作業課後照顧安親班self-regulated learninghomeworkafter-school care自我調整學習理論應用於國小高年級安親班學生完成回家作業之行動研究An Action Research of Applying Self-Regulated Learning Theory to Upper Elementary School Students at an After-School Care Center in Completing Homeworketd