許月貴朱錫琴Yueh-Kuei HsuHsi-Chin Chu郭育如Yu-Ju Kuo2019-09-032010-09-012019-09-032010http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0593211017%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97541為了提升學生英語學習成效,多樣化的閱讀教材教法在英語學習和教學中已受到關注和重視。本研究旨在探討單一圖片輔助對於臺灣國中學生英語閱讀能力的影響,同時也針對這些國中生對於有無單一圖片輔助的英語閱讀內容理解、記憶能力和看法為何,進行了解。 本研究的受試者為北臺灣某公立國中八年級的兩個班級,共42位學生,分成四組進行實驗,以平衡閱讀文章出現的先後順序及有無圖片輔助閱讀的情況讓學生閱讀二篇故事,其中一篇有圖片輔助,另一篇則無。實驗中以回想內容的方式評估學生對於英語閱讀內容的理解,並以問卷測試有無圖片輔助是否對於學生的閱讀產生影響,接著,以訪談的方式了解學生對於閱讀加入單一圖片輔助的看法,同時以變異數分析比較組間內學生對於閱讀記憶及文本感受的差異。 本研究主要發現為:一、英語閱讀中有單一圖片的輔助有助於學生對於閱讀內容的回想。二、由問卷結果顯示,英語閱讀中單一圖片的輔助增加了閱讀內容的趣味性和清楚度,並降低了閱讀內容的困難度。然而,受試學生並未因單一圖片的使用明顯感覺到閱讀內容較容易記憶。三、英語閱讀中單一圖片輔助的效益和學生英語程度的高低並無相關。無論學生的英語程度高低,皆能從有單一圖片輔助的閱讀中受惠。整體而言,受試學生對於英語閱讀中有單一圖片的輔助抱持正向肯定的態度,而從訪談內容中,研究者可更進一步了解學生對於單一圖片使用在英語閱讀中的感受和理由。 本研究結果顯示,單一圖片使用對於臺灣國中生英語閱讀內容理解、回想和看法有所助益。最後,研究者依據研究發現,對於本研究中國中八年級學生的英語閱讀教材與選擇以及未來相關研究提出建議。To improve the effectiveness of EFL reading, supplementing texts with visuals has been means to boost comprehension. This study aims to investigate the effects of using a single picture cue in English reading passages on the reading recall and text-perceptions of EFL junior high school reading in Taiwan. The participants of this study were forty two eighth graders from two classes in a public junior high school in northern Taiwan. They were assigned to four sub-groups to counterbalance the sequence of text topics and the sequence of texts with or without picture cues. Each of the participants read two texts, one with a picture cue and the other one without a picture cue. In this research, written recall for the texts was used to measure the students’ reading comprehension. After reading each text, the students filled out a text-perception questionnaire to understand their text perceptions. Then eight selected students were interviewed to understand the students’ feelings towards using a single picture cue in English reading passages. ANOVA analysis was applied to compare group differences on recall and text-perceptions. The major findings of the present study are as follows. First, using a single picture cue improved the students’ recall for the text. Second, using a single picture cue enhanced students’ perceptions of amusement and clarity of the text, and decreased the perception of difficulty level of the text as well. However, the students’ perception of memorability for the text was not significantly improved in the present study. Third, the effects of picture cues on recall and text-perceptions were not varied due to students’ English proficiency levels. Both higher and lower level students could benefit from the use of picture cues in reading. Overall, most of the students in this research held positive attitude towards using a single picture cue in each English reading passage. This study indicates that using a single picture cue in reading passages enhances EFL Taiwanese eighth graders’ reading recall and text-perceptions. With the findings of this research, pedagogical implications for English reading material selection and exercises were provided. Suggestions for future research were also drawn.圖片輔助閱讀記憶文本感受picture cuesreading recalltext-perceptions臺灣國中生英語閱讀中的圖片輔助:對於閱讀記憶及文本感受之影響Using Picture Cues in EFL Junior High School Reading: Effects on Reading Recall and Text-perceptions