余鑑于俊傑陳明秀2019-09-032017-8-142019-09-032012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0098712111%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96608隨著時代的演進,企業組織對於員工的重心也因時空背景的不同而有所改變,從早期視員工為機械的科學管理學派,漸漸地演變成重視員工於企業中的角色,或是將員工納入到整個生產經營的過程,一反過往,變為員工由下而上的參與式管理。於此越來越重視員工為主體的潮流中,內部行銷首先提出將員工當作企業第一批顧客的想法,亦即強調「將服務工作銷售到員工市場以吸引最好的員工」,此外,並更進一步主張「滿足消費者之前,必需先滿足員工」。 個案A公司成立於1991年,公司員工約8000人,且每年營業額達到近100億的規模,至今於台灣與大陸共擁有18個生產據點。在2008年時,由於想要瞭解各地廠區員工即時的想法與需求,在董事長的支持之下,建立了內部行銷導向的虛擬社群,累積至今,點閱率高達340287次,此一虛擬社群亦成為該公司通過CG6004通用版公司治理制度評量認證獲獎的要件之一。是故,本研究之主要目的乃在於探討此一虛擬社群對企業員工所造成的影響。本研究將使用Levitt所提出的鑽石模式,將影響的部份分為技術、任務、人員與組織四個方向來進行瞭解,經由訪談與逐字搞分析後,得到以下結論: 一、此一虛擬社群可以促使管理階層進行流程上的改善,並且可以將經驗於廠區間互相分享。此外,亦可促成組織內的交流、回饋與溝通。 二、此一平台可讓員工抒發意見與情緒,並且得到適當地回饋,並給予管理階層人員機會來進行引導、溝通,或是相關政策制度調整。 三、根據員工在此一平台上的反應,企業可以給予調整福利制度,行政流程、硬體設施,或是促進管理階層思考、反省與瞭解組織內部的現狀,進行再教育,以及改善組織氣氛之機會。 四、由於技術的議題不適合在半公開的虛擬社群內討論,且個案公司另有討論技術的平台,是故於此研究中,並無發現此一內部導向虛擬社群對於企業於技術上之影響。Founded in 1991, the A case company turned into a broad-based enterprise with annual revenue of NT$ 8 billion and more than 500 sets of production equipments. In 2008, for the purpose of understanding what employee are thinking about, chairman Hsu asked the human resourece department to build a internal marketing virtual community on internet to gather everyone’ s opions. In this study, we tried to use the diamond model to analysis the effect of internal marketing virtual community on employees. The conclusions as follows: 1.This internal marketing virtual community can facilitate the changes of the work flow and increase the interactions, feedbacks and communications between managers and employees. Besides, it also let everyone share their experiences more conveniently. 2.This internal marketing virtual community can let all emplyees express their opinions and emotions. At the same time, managers can also have the opportunities to understand and give some appropriate adjustments. 3.According to the response of the employees in this platform, A company can adjust the welfare system, administrative processes and hardware system. At the same time, it also can stimulate managers to reflect and understand the internal status. 4.The technical issues are not suitable for discussion in the public virtual community, and the A company has another platform for the discussion on technical problems. So we didn’t find any influence in the technical dimension in the research.內部行銷虛擬社群鑽石模型internal marketingvirtual communitydiamond model內部行銷導向虛擬社群對企業影響之研究以鑽石模型觀點Analysis of the Effect of Internal Marketing Virtual Community on Employees with Diamond Model