陳明溥鄭千佑2019-08-292010-7-232019-08-292008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0695080075%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92975本研究旨在探討範例融入方式及數學自我效能,對國小學生等值分數彈性思考表現和數學學習態度之影響。研究對象為台北市某國小五年級學生,共100位。研究設計採因子設計之準實驗研究法,自變項包含範例融入方式和數學自我效能,範例融入方式分為「連續型範例一般教學」、「連續型範例資訊技融入教學」、「整合型範例資訊科技融入教學」三種方式,數學自我效能依據數學自我效能量表總得分,將學習者分為高、低數學自我效能兩組,參與者分別於教學實驗前後接受測量。依變相為「等值分數彈性思考表現」及「數學學習態度」,等值分數彈性思考表現包括(1)基本彈性思考:基本補畫能力、分割能力;(2)進階彈性思考:進階補畫能力、組合能力、運作思考能力、單位形成能力,數學學習態度為學習興趣、學習動機、數學焦慮三個面向。 研究結果發現:(1)運用整合型範例資訊科技融入教學,能促進學習者等值分數彈性思考;(2)運用虛擬教具於數學教學中,可提升學習者的學習興趣;(3)高數學自我效能學習者透過不同範例融入方式學習等值分數,均有較好的等值分數彈性思考表現及學習態度。本研究結果與建議可供國小數學科教學與未來相關研究參考。The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of type of example and mathematics self-efficacy on the five graders’ flexible thinking ability and mathematical attitudes. The participants in this study were 100 fifth graders from three classes of an elementary school in Taipei, Taiwan. The quasi-experimental design with factorial design was employed in the study. The independent variables were methods of example integrated into instruction and self-efficacy toward mathematics. The methods of example integrated into instruction include general instruction of continuous example, continuous example integrated into instruction with technology, and mixed example integrated into instruction with technology. Learners were categorized into two groups, which were high self-efficacy toward mathematics and low self-efficacy toward mathematics based on the scores measured by a self-efficacy scale on mathematics. The dependent variables were flexible thinking ability on equivalent fractions and mathematical attitudes. The flexible thinking ability include (a) basic flexible thinking: basic drawing ability and division ability, (b) advanced flexible thinking: advanced drawing ability, assembly ability, operative thinking ability and unitize ability. The results showed that (a) the application of mixed example integrated into instruction with technology promoted the flexible thinking ability on equivalent fractions, (b) the application of virtual manipulative on the mathematics teaching promoted the students’ learning interest, and (c) the higher mathematical self-efficacy, the better flexible thinking ability on equivalent fractions and mathematical attitudes.等值分數彈性思考資訊科技融入教學虛擬教具數學自我效能equivalent fractionsflexible thinkingintegrate technology into instructionvirtual manipulativemathematics self-efficacy虛擬教具對國小學生等值分數彈性思考表現之影響