施令紅林達隆Ling-Hung ShihTa-Long Lin陳銘福Min-Fu Chen2020-12-102013-8-62020-12-102013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0096603120%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114984本論文以美學經濟在食品包裝的創作研究,透過美學經濟的相關文獻研究後,探討因食品的型態在包裝材質上的應用,符合環保概念的綠色設計。環保意識升高,高價的包裝成本來臨,使用安全的環保包裝材質,除了增加食品內在的保護性,也藉由環保的包裝材質進而達到降低包裝的成本,有效提升生產效率,作廣泛深入探討研究。數位網路的經濟世代,時間轉換了速度,空間改變了距離。生活在緊張壓力的年代,消費行為因環境生活變遷而改變,從過去欠缺中的需求輾轉到理性與感性的奢侈消費,通路貨架成為商品的殺手。消費者對商品的需求是慾望也是美學的要求。美學是一種體驗生活態度,創意是一種知識,是一種感性。因創意而引導產品,讓產品重燃生命重新找到消費者,讓企業恢復其活力,牽動了產業也帶動企業成長。藉由本研究精確鎖定消費群,經由美學概念的包裝設計,鎖定主要目標消費群。經由產品的設計與創新出的產品,放在什麼通路銷售,要賣給誰,該賣多少錢,為產品量身訂做創造美學經濟。「美學是現代生活重要溝通藝術,設計是一種溝通,它帶給人類是一種喜悅和驕傲」不再是企業的夢想。 好設計好生意,從消費者端的觀察,透過嚴謹的通路貨架上的市調分析之後,整合定位出品牌策略方向,產品定位策略、產品命名、設定行銷通路、鎖定目標消費群、合理定價、創意發想,朝向美學經濟的食品包裝創作,以創造食品包裝在貨架上的明星為目標。The goal of this research is to examine creativity in food packaging from the perspective of aesthetic economy. By reviewing relevant research on the economy of aesthetics, the study sets out to discuss the application of packaging material based on different food type with features of green design to ensure compliance with relevant eco-friendly concepts. Growing awareness for environmental protection has led to high packaging costs; the use of safe, eco-friendly packaging material not only offers fortified protection of food contents but also effectively reduces packaging costs due to the application of eco-friendly packaging. In addition, it would also effectively boost productivity and is therefore worthy of in-depth research. In the era of an economy propelled by digital technology and network connectivity, the progression of time has changed pace, and space has changed the definition of distance. Living in the age of stress and tension, consumption behavior has also changed due to the changes in our environment and lifestyles. Mankind has transitioned from the needs that stemmed from shortage to extravagant consumption that emphasizes rationality and sensuality. Distribution channels and networks have become the killers of merchandize. Consumers’ need for products is not only a manifestation of desire but also a demand for aesthetics. Aesthetics is the experience of attitude towards lifestyle; creativity is not just knowledge but also sensibility. Creativity guides the development of products by revitalizing them and helping them to find consumers, thereby instilling life to businesses. This would facilitate business growth. Through precise identification of target consumers in this study, packaging design that originates from aesthetic concepts may focus precisely on the target consumer demographic. With innovative product design, choice of distribution channel, target demographic and cost definition accounted for, businesses can customize their products to achieve economy of aesthetics. The ideas that “aesthetic presents itself as an important art of communication in modern lifestyles” and “design is a means of communication that brings joy and pride to human beings” will no longer be unattainable goals for businesses. Good design brings good business. Through observations from consumers’ perspective and stringent market analysis of distribution channels, the study offers a compilation of brand strategies, product definition strategies, product naming, configuration of marketing channels, identification of target consumer demographic, advice on setting reasonable prices and creative thinking in order to facilitate food packaging design that is aligned towards the economy of aesthetics to ultimately achieve the goal of creating star products on product shelves through food packaging.美學經濟食品包裝包裝材質economy of aestheticsfood packagingpackaging material美學經濟在食品包裝之研究創作The Creation and Research of Food Packaging in the Aesthetic Economy