康台生林冠甫2019-09-052009-7-242019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0692630130%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103359音樂錄影帶廣義來看就是有音樂的影片,其表現手法涵蓋視聽藝術的各個範圍。音樂錄影帶大部分都是為了宣傳音樂而被製作出來,所以與電影、電視領域中,影像和音樂的主客地位明顯不同,音樂錄影帶中大多是使用影像來配合音樂。 蒙太奇是組織電影結構的方法,通常在影視領域的蒙太奇都是通過剪接來完成,音樂錄影帶也不例外。透過剪接點的(時間)長短可以製造出影片剪接的節奏,而音樂錄影帶中剪接點通常比較短,製造更快且更鮮明的影像節奏。 而音樂對點的概念來自電影中影音同步與對點剪接的概念,意即影片中的元素,在影片中音樂的節拍點、節奏點上進行變化,以配合音樂。強調的正是影像與音樂的配合,透過這一種影音密切配合的關係,除了聲音、影像可以互相增加說服力,不同元素間節奏的搭配可以讓彼此的節奏更加突顯。 由於音樂對點的特性很能滿足音樂錄影帶製作的要求,因此本創作研究探討應用音樂對點與蒙太奇來製作音樂錄影帶的各種方法,找出各種影片元素與音樂對點的可能性,利用蒙太奇剪接等各種能製造鮮明節奏的影像手法與音樂對點配合,製作出影音配合度更高、節奏感更強烈的音樂錄影帶創作。Broadly thinking, music video is the video with music. The representation methods include each area of audiovisual art. Most of music videos are produced for advertising music. So, the host-guest relation of video and music is obviously different in the area of movie and television. In music video, video is used to be harmony with music. Montage is the methodology of constructing movie. Montage in the area of film is usually implemented by editing. Music video is no exception. Rhythm of file can be made via length of editing point (time), and editing point is usually shorter in music video in order to manufacture quicker and more vivid film rhythm. The concept of music syzygy is from the concept of synchronous sound and syzygy editing from movie which mean the factors of movies, rhythm points of music in films that vary with music. The emphasizing point is the orchestration between video and music. Through the strong harmonic relation between video and music, sound and video can strengthen power of persuading for each other. Furthermore, coordination between rhythms of different factors can display rhythm of each other more obviously. Because the characteristic of music syzygy can satisfy demands of music video manufacturing, this thesis takes the applications of music video manufacturing exploiting music syzygy and montage as the problem domain to find out possibilities, exploit montage editing, etc ,which can manufacture vivid rhythm and coordinate with music syzygy to produce music video creations with greater harmonic ability between video and sound and stronger rhythm.音樂錄影帶蒙太奇音樂對點Music videoMontageMusic syzygy蒙太奇剪接和音樂對點應用在音樂錄影帶之創作與研究Montage Edit And Music Syzygy Appied In Creation and Research Of Music Video