黃玉葉祥洵Shun-Shiang Yeh2019-08-282006-2-202019-08-282006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0091073019%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/88116本研究旨在探討服務學習方案融入大學勞作教育課程及其實施成效,研究問題包括:一、探討方案實施中所遭遇的困難與問題及受服務機構對方案之回饋與反應;二、研究學生學習成效,包括勞作知能、自我效能、人際包容與多元尊重、社會關懷;三、提出有效之具服務學習理念之勞作教育課程建議。 本研究採準實驗研究、焦點團體與質性資料分析並行,量化研究工具乃依據相關文獻設計有效之服務學習融入勞作教育課程方案,以研究者自編之「服務學習融入大學勞作教育課程學習成效量表」作為測驗工具,質化資料以學生紀錄之服務日誌、綜合反思回饋表、服務機構回饋表、焦點團體以及研究者自身之反思作為質性分析資料。本研究以明新科技大學老人服務事業學系九十四學年度入學之四技新生為實驗研究對象,老服系乙班四十九人為參與融入課程之實驗組對象,老服系甲班四十六人為僅參與勞作教育課程之對照組對象,兩組於課程前後進行前後測,測驗其在勞作知能、自我效能、人際包容與多元尊重與社會關懷等四方面之改變,並輔以質性資料作為學習效果和推動過程之輔助分析。 本研究結果與發現如下: 一、融入課程對大學生學習效果之影響 量化測驗部分,融入課程對大學生之「勞作知能」、「自我效能」,「人際包容與多元尊重」、「社會關懷」未達統計上顯著增進水準。但於成員之質性資料分析部分發現:(一)增進個人發展學習,如溝通能力、責任感增進、自信、能與他人合作及知道感恩等。(二)促進責任感、服務帶來快樂、並對服務做出承諾。(三)與受服務機構互動增加,相互學習成長,也察覺受服務機構問題進而關懷社會。 二、受服務機構成員回饋分析 服務活動帶給受服務機構活力、提升受服務人員生活品質及減輕受服務機構人員工作壓力是有意義及符合其所需要的課程活動。 三、方案推動者反思 研究者的角色是活動的參與者與觀察者;與參與成員之關係亦師亦友;專業指導者;活動紀錄者;給予關懷與支持者,陪伴服務者完成課程方案。根據研究結果驗證了服務學習理念;充實了勞作教育課程;擴大及增進學生學習效果;可摒除勞作教育僅為包裝精美之清潔制度之貶,為勞作教育實施開啟另一扇有利之窗。 根據研究結果,本研究分別針對服務學習與勞作教育課程設計推動者、社福機構及未來研究者,提出多方面之具體建議。The purpose of the study was to explore the implementation of the service-learning program in College Student Labor Education and its effects on students’ learning. The research questions included 1. What are the difficulties and problems of program implementation from the students and the working staff in the organization? 2. Are there any effects on students’ learning in knowledge and skills of labor education, self-efficacy, interpersonal respect, multicultural tolerance, and the social issue concerns? 3. Are there any suggestions to the college which labor education course combined with Service-Learning program? The study was conducted by both pretest-posttest quasi- design experiment and qualitative data analysis from September 2005 to January 2006. The Labor Education Service-Leaning program was designed as an instrument. The participants for this study were the freshmen in the Department of Senior Citizen Service Management at Ming Hsin University of Science and Technology all of them took the college Labor education course and were divided into two groups: 49 were in the experimental group and 46 were in the comparison group. The Scale for Service-Learning of Labor Education in College Students was employed to test the students’ changes in ‘’knowledge and skills of labor education’’, “self-efficacy”, “interpersonal respect” and “multicultural tolerance”, and the “social issue concerns”. In addition, qualitative date collected from focus-group with the service-provider students, feedback survey from service receivers, reflection journals from providers and the researcher, and the observation journals of the research. The findings of the research are as follows 1.The learning effects of Service-Learning Department on the participants: The results of this study showed no statistics significant effects on knowledge and skills of “Labor education”, “self-efficacy”, “interpersonal respect and multicultural tolerance”, and “social issue concerns” between experimental and comparison group. However, the qualitative date indicates the experimental group students have lots of learning in confidence, sense of responsibility, interpersonal tolerance, and the abilities to communicate with others. 2.The feedback from the service organization includes Service-Learning is a helpful and empowered program for the organization; The service receivers gain great improvement in quality of livelihood; and the working staff in the organization also indicates proper release of working pressure. 3.For the role of the researcher It suggests the researcher needs to be a participating observer, teacher and friend, professional adviser, outcome evaluator , record keeper, supporter, and companion person through the service. The reflections of the researcher for the Service-Learning program are that the study provides the implementation of Labor Education with a new direction, which combined with Service-Learning. The new program can eliminate the criticism imposed on the Labor Education as merely a cleaning program, and give it a brand new definition. Based on the findings, the recommendations for practice on the college labor education’s service-learning program, and further research are presented.服務學習勞作教育勞作知能自我效能人際包容與多元尊重社會關懷學習效果Service-LearningLabor Educationknowledge and skills of Labor Educationself-efficacyinterpersonal respectmulticultural tolerancesocial issue concernslearning effects服務學習融入大學勞作教育課程及其實施成效之研究-以明新科技大學為例The Implementation and Learning Effects of Service-Learning Program in College Labor Education Course- Based on Min Hsin University of Science and Technology