莊佳穎Chuang, Chia-Yin林昀Lin, Yun2020-12-142020-09-012020-12-142020http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G060626007L%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/110453本研究是以語藝批評的觀點為研究取徑,探究韓國瑜與韓粉團體當中的說服力,以幻想主題批評方法作為分析工具,從韓國瑜的總統候選人政見發表會、選前之夜以及五位挺韓直播主的直播內容,進行質化的分析,探討出該語藝社群中反覆出現的論述。 藉由探討韓國瑜與韓粉之間的論述,試圖去理解他們在台灣的政治社會當中,究竟扮演什麼樣的角色?又透過哪些語言、符號去表示他們的立場?在這過程中,展現出什麼樣的國家政治符號、自我認同?最後在這個框架中,如何建構出成員間的語藝視野或世界觀,以區分出我族和他者的界線? 經過數個幻想主題的登陸和歸類,整合出三個幻想類型與一個語藝視野。研究結果發現,幻想類型為:一、「我們都是韓家軍」;二、「告別菁英政治,庶民當家!」;三、「把中華魂找回來!」韓國瑜與韓粉的論述以二元對立的邏輯敘述,並以「支持韓國瑜與否」、「自我定位庶民身份」以及「對中華民國的國家認同」來劃分出敵我,藉此產生說服與召喚的作用。 最後,本研究歸納出韓國瑜與韓粉的語藝視野:「我們都是韓家軍」——韓粉們從韓國瑜的人格特質、政見發表等,建構出韓粉們對韓國瑜的想像,以「民進黨執政不佳」作為情境,「中華文化」、「關心庶民」作為基礎,召喚其他選民來支持韓國瑜。This study uses rhetorical criticism as the research approach to explore the persuasive power of Han Kuo-Yu and Han Fans; and uses fantasy-themed criticism as an analytical tool to analyze Han Kuo-Yu’s political platform presentation, political campaigns and five Han supporters’ live stream content to study Han fans’ discourse using qualitative research. The study attempts to explore the discourse between Han Kuo-Yu and Han Fans, its role in the political society of Taiwan as well as the language and symbols being used to express their position and what political party code, self-identification are shown during this process. Lastly, to construct a rhetorical vision among members to distinguish the boundary between them and others within this framework. Through the analysis of Han Kuo-Yu and Han Fans in several fantasy themes, the author categorizes into three fantasy-theme types and one rhetorical vision. The results of the study indicate that three fantasy-theme types are: 1. "We are all Han Army(韓家軍)";2."Good-bye elite politicians, welcome commoners";3."Bring back the Chinese spirit! " The discussion of Han Kuo-Yu and Han Fan is based on the logic of binary opposition, along with “supporting Han Kuo-Yu or not "," self-positioning as a commoner" and "national identity of Republic of China" to distinguish between themselves and the enemies which generates the effect to persuade and summon. Finally, the study summarizes the rhetorical vision of Han Kuo-Yu and Han Fan "We are all Han Army(韓家軍)" -- Han fans construct the imagination of Han Kuo- Yu based on his personality traits, political opinions against the DPP governance, and using “Chinese culture” “concerning the commoners” as foundation to call other voters to support Han Kuo-Yu.語藝批評幻想主題韓國瑜韓粉韓流rhetorical criticismfantasy themeHan Kuo-YuHan FansHan wave「我們都是韓家軍」——以幻想主題分析方法閱讀韓流現象"We are all Han army"--a fantasy theme criticism of Han Kuo-Yu hype