蔡虔祿莊進德2019-09-052008-8-52019-09-052008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0594041123%22.&%22.id.&amp;http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105356科學儀器所呈現均為精確的時間、角度或速度等量化數值,資料分析的結果讓選手能瞭解自己真實之體能狀態,並將各項能力予以量化,這些量化的資訊除了可免除選手心中的疑慮與增加自信心外,最重要的是教練可以明確掌握選手必需修正的缺點與努力的方向。綜合以上,本研究欲利用運動科學儀器針對二組不同成績水準之羽球女子選手進行基礎與專項體能檢測,以獲得選手之基礎與專項體能資訊,並比較二組不同成績水準之受試者,一般體能與專項體能之差異。因此,本研究目的有以下兩點:(一)比較羽球甲、乙組女子選手一般體能之差異;(二)比較羽球甲、乙組女子選手專項體能之差異。本研究之一般體能測驗項目包括:爆發力(立定跳遠及垂直跳、)速度(15m×2衝刺)及心肺耐力(12分鐘跑);專項體能測驗項目包括:米字步一循環、米字步五循環。本研究以20名羽球女子選手為受試者,研究開始前依中華民國羽球協會所認定之成績水準將受試者分為甲組球員及乙組球員。資料分析以獨立樣本t考驗比較羽球甲、乙組女子選手一般體能與專項體能之差異,顯著水準之考驗定為α= .05。本研究結果顯示:羽球甲組女子選手在一般體能的測驗項目中的立定跳遠項目上顯著優於乙組選手,在垂直跳、15m×2折返跑、12分鐘跑等項目上則沒有顯著差異存在。羽球甲組女子選手之專項速度顯著優於乙組女子羽球選手;專項耐力則無顯著差異。依據研究結果提出以下建議:體能是運動技術的基礎,運動訓練應建立長期的監控機制,才能有效的掌握選手的運動能力並進一步觀察其運動表現。在後續研究部份則建議增加研究的樣本數,針對不同年齡層,不同性別的羽球選手,進一步建立我國羽球選手的體能常模,並做為教練在選材時的參考效標,同時也應增加檢測的項目以達到比較全面的體能監控。Apart from the demands of high levels of technical skill and mental acuity, physical capacity that included explosive strength, velocity, agility and endurance were essential requirements for badminton. However, there was a scarcity of descriptive data on specific fitness of badminton athletes. The purposes of this study were to compare the difference of general fitness and sport fitness between elite athletes and general athletes on pre-competition season. Twenty female badminton players who underwent training for 2007 world junior championship participated in this study. The test was executed in real badminton court at 5 days before the championship. Several science equipments were used to measure the explosive strength of standing jump and vertical jump, the velocity of shuttle running, the total time of 12 minutes running, the velocity of single circle center moving direction and the total time of 5 circle center moving direction. The difference in the values of general and specific fitness between two groups was tested for significance by t test. The criterion level for significance was set at p≧.05. The results indicated that elite athletes have significantly better explosive strength on standing jump than general athletes (p<.05). Elite athletes’ velocity of single circle center moving direction was also significantly faster than general athletes (p<.05). According to the results of this study, enhancing badminton athletes’ fitness is recommended for getting better performance on competition. Otherwise, quantity analysis of athletes’ fitness on the regular time is vital skill during all training seasons. Hence, quantity analysis of different level athletes and sex is a greater worth study in the future羽球一般體能專項體能badmintongeneral fitnessspecific fitness羽球甲、乙組女子選手一般體能與專項體能之比較分析The comparison of general fitness and specific fitness between elite and general female badminton athletes