楊靜昀張彩秀晏涵文劉潔心Ching-Yun YangTsai-Hsiu ChangHan-Wen YenChieh-Hsin Liu2014-10-272014-10-272012-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/258國小高年級開始進入青春期,學生普遍性知識不足,現行教材又缺乏生活技能教學,若能透過學生喜好之戲劇教學,將符合學生本位學習,故本研究旨在探討戲劇教育介入對國小高年級學生在性知識、性態度、性健康生活技能自我效能之成效。研究方法以準實驗雙組前測、後測、後後測方式,針對國小高年級學生147人進行資料收集。實驗組85人接受四次共320分鐘戲劇教育,而對照組則為鄰近千社經背景相似之高年級學生62人,接受九年一貫課程講授法教學。研究對象皆於介入前完成前測問卷,兩組受試學生在社會人口學變項與前測上並無顯著差異,介入期間二個月,於介入後進行後測、並於六週後進行後後測,以了解介入之整體成果。研究結果發現實驗組學生之後測與後後測成效上皆能顯著提升性知識、性態度、性健康生活技能之自我效能。實驗組對於教學過程的評價,九成八以上給予高度肯定上課方式,九成以上滿意教材教具。結論:以學生本位學習,運用「戲劇教育」介入教學,引發學生學習興趣,並透過教學過程的體驗和感動,讓學生認識接納性生理、性心理之變化,學習人際關係相互尊重,故可有效提升國小高年級學生性知識、態度與生活技能自我效能,未來可依據此結果提供性教育教學之參考。This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of dramatic educational intervention in sexuality education on regarding sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes and self-efficacy on sexual health life skills for students of high-grade elementary school students. Quasi-experimental research design was conducted for pre-test, post-test, post-pos-test with two groups. Data was collected from a total of 147 higher-grade elementary school students. Dramatic educational intervention was introduced to 85 students in the experimental group and they received the curricula with 80 minutes for each of the 4 sessions and total of 320 minutes. The control group consisted of 62 students with similar socio-economic background, who lived in neighboring regions and received the conventional Grade 1-9 curriculum. The two groups have no significant difference demographic characteristics and pre-test. All the students completed the pre-test questionnaire before intervention. Post-tests were made right after the 2-month intervention, while pose-post-tests were evaluated at 6 weeks after the intervention. The overall effectiveness was therefore determined. The results showed there were significant improved in immediate and delayed effectiveness on sexual knowledge (p<.0.01), sexual attitudes (p<.0.01), sexual health life skills of self-efficacy (p<.0.01) among the students of experimental group. More than 98% of students of experimental group were highly agreed with the teaching methods. Over 90% of students were satisfied with teaching materials and tools. Conclusions: Using dramatic education in sexuality based from student-centered learning, it can induce students' motivation and learn from practice, then students can accept the psychological changes, respect the relationships between students. Finally, the program can improve sexual knowledge, sexual attitudes, sexual health life skills of self-efficacy. The results might be used as an important reference tool for future implementation of s性教育國小學生戲劇教育dramatic educationelementary school studntssexuality education戲劇教育介入於國小高年級學生性知識、性態度、性健康生活技能自我效能之效果探討-以南投縣國小為例The Effectiveness on Sexual Knowledge, Attitude, and Self-efficacy on Sexual Health Life Skills of Dramatic Educational Intervention in Sexuality Education for Students of Higher-grade Elementary School: An Example of Elementary School in Nantou County