陳秋蘭Chern, Chiou-Lan鍾宜君Chung, Yi-Chun2019-09-032016-09-012019-09-032016http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0501211104%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/97332近年來,台灣英語學習熱潮及對英語能力檢定的要求已蔚為風氣。十二年國民義務教育也要求國中生具備足夠的英語閱讀能力。因此,學校教師極需協助學生提升閱讀理解的能力。文獻顯示出互惠教學法可應用在不同程度的學生身上。在英語為母語的國家及英語為第二外語的學習環境中,互惠教學法的效益已得到證實。但在以英語為外語的台灣,大多數的相關研究僅著重一般的學生。有鑑於此,本研究⽬目標在於探索互惠教學法是否對英語中低學習表現的台灣國中學生也具有同樣的效益。 此項研究在桃園市某國中實施,並以行動研究方式進行,為期七週。七位八年級學生參與此項研究,由研究者擔任閱讀課程的授課教師,所採用的教材為圖畫書。研究者觀察學⽣生的課堂表現並加以記錄。研究實施期間學生必須填寫課堂學習單以便瞭解學⽣生使用策略的程度,及在學習歷程中的改變及進步。此外,為了瞭解學生對互惠教學法的看法,在課程結束後學生須填寫一份問卷。在問卷填寫完畢之後,研究者一對一訪談七位參與的學生,以更進一步瞭解他們如何理解故事內容,以及在英語學習動機上的改變。 研究結果顯示,互惠教學法對學⽣生的閱讀理解有正向的影響。學生認為小組討論、同儕間的幫助、小組互動、及策略使用有助於閱讀理解。然而,在研究過程中,我們也發現學⽣生會在課堂上聊天及少數學⽣生參與程度較低。儘管如此,大多數的學生對互惠教學法持正⾯面的態度及表⽰示未來希望繼續使用互惠教學法的策略來進行閱讀。大多數學⽣生亦反應互惠教學法讓他們提升了英語學習的動機。依此結果,本論⽂文針對英語閱讀教學提出了相關建議。In Taiwan, the trend of English learning and requirement of English proficiency test have prevailed these years. Twelve-year compulsory education requires the junior high school students’ to be equipped with good English reading ability. Therefore, school teachers make efforts to provide instructional assistance of reading comprehension to students. Reciprocal Teaching has been shown to facilitate students to solve different learning problems. Its positive effect has been widely examined in English-speaking and ESL contexts. In Taiwan, an EFL context, most studies focus on the average students. This study therefore aims to explore the impact of Reciprocal Teaching on EFL learners with mid and low proficiency. The study was carried out in a junior high school in Taoyuan City, adopting an action-research method. Seven eighth-graders participated in the reading course offered by the researcher. The implementation lasted for seven weeks, and picture books were adopted as the main reading materials. Students’ in-class performance was observed and audio-recorded and their strategy use was documented in the weekly worksheet. The documentation revealed students’ changes and progress during the intervention. Also, to better understand students’ perception of Reciprocal Teaching, a questionnaire was distributed and collected after the intervention. Interview was conducted to further understand how the students understand the stories and to explore their motivational change toward English learning with Reciprocal Teaching. The result showed that Reciprocal Teaching could facilitate students’ comprehension, and students attributed their improvement in comprehension to the support from the peers, interaction, and strategy use. However, some unexpected difficulties aroused during the implementation, including students’ off-task conversation and lack of engagement. In spite of this, most students reported their positive attitude toward Reciprocal Teaching and indicated that they would like to continue using the approach. Besides, most students’ motivation toward English learning increased with Reciprocal Teaching. Based on the result, this thesis provided suggestions on English reading instruction.互惠教學法閱讀理解動機性別策略教學Reciprocal Teachingreading comprehensionmotivationgenderstrategy instruction國中生對於互惠教學法用於英語閱讀課程之看法Exploring Junior High School Students' Perception on the Effects of Reciprocal Teaching in English Reading Courses