王順美Shun-Mei Wang李思璇Szu-Hsuan Lee2019-09-052014-8-202019-09-052014http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699460235%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/103768本研究主要以探討中學教師對於從事校外教學安全的認知與態度為目的。校外教學有其重要性,從相關文獻或研究中都可見多數教師對於校外教學的價值是給予肯定的。但是,學校教師在每個學期實際上進行校外教學的次數卻不多。從相關調查研究中發現有許多的阻礙因素,「安全」因素是多數教師認為的阻礙之一,但是研究結果上,多以量化研究方式呈現,較少對教師對校外教學安全的認知和態度做深入探討。 根據研究者本身在校外教學的經驗,認為沒有所謂零風險的校外教學。每一位教師對於安全的認知和態度不同,本研究將以質性取向,透過訪談的方式,深入了解教師對校外教學安全上的認知與態度,釐清與安全有關問題之背後原因,以及如何克服有關安全問題所造成的問題,提供教師或學校行政可參考的相關方向,提高教師從事校外教學的意願。研究結果歸納如下: 一、大部分教師肯定校外教學的價值。 二、對校外教學風險的擔憂降低教師從事校外教學的意願。 三、風險的控制程度與責任是影響教師校外教學看法的重要因素。 四、應了解如和控制風險以避免校外教學安全事件發生。 五、透過社會支持有將有助於校外教學的安全。 六、教師應改變對風險的觀念,接受風險,嘗試解決問題。The purpose of this study was to explore high school geography teacher’s knowledge and attitude toward safety of outdoor teaching. Outdoor teaching has its own importance, and it can be found in relative studies and documents that many teachers agree with its importance. However, teachers engaged in outdoor teaching infrequent. The relative studies have shown that there are many elements hinder the outdoor teaching, which includes safety factors, but more quantitative research presented. According to the experience of going outdoor teaching that safety is an importance factor, and there is no so-called zero-risk safety presence. Different teachers have different interpretations of knowledge and attitude toward safety of outdoor teaching, and this study hopes to clarify the safety problems related to the reasons behind and how to overcome related obstacles caused by safety problems through quality-oriented research and interviews to in-depth understanding of individual teacher’s knowledge and attitude toward safety of outdoor teaching, to offer teachers and school administrations a referable direction, improve teachers' willingness to engage in outdoor teaching. The results are: 1. Most teachers affirm the value of outdoor teaching. 2. The concerns about the risk of outdoor teaching reduce teachers' willingness to engage in outdoor teaching. 3. The ability to control risk and responsibility may be assumed important school teaching important factors. 4. The degree of of risk control and the possible responsibility are important factors affecting teacher’s safety perceptions of outdoor teaching. 5. Social supports will help the safety of outdoor teaching. 6. Teachers should change the perceptions of risk, and try to accept the risk to solve the problem.中學地理教師校外教學安全high school geography teacheroutdoor teachingsafety中學地理教師對校外教學安全之認知與態度探究Exploring high school geography teacher’s knowledge and attitude toward safety of outdoor teaching