蔡芷芬Tsai, Chih-Fen林道銘LIN, Daw-Ming2023-12-082023-06-052023-12-082023https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/ef50697d6312a5bba289a22bf48c13a8/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118786我們生活的世界本充滿鏡像幻影,網路發展與應用助瀾下,虛擬的世界更是逐漸成為生活重心,現實環境的真實感似乎步步被掏空,真實與虛幻的界線越來越模糊。眼見現實不等於真實,筆者嘗試探究現實與虛像關係。將眼見與內心裡的憶像以繪畫方式呈現,藉此重新審視自己過往,再次認識原本熟悉的真實世界。繪畫過程與攝影創作極為類似,百年來,許多畫家藉由攝影的協助創作不朽名作。受到攝影蒙太奇與集錦攝影啟發,筆者結合攝影與繪畫,以拍照方式蒐集閃爍不定的記憶影像,將不同時空片段,重組於二維的畫布上,發展出集結記憶與異想,創作真實情境裡的虛幻維度。繪畫創作以油彩畫布作為主要媒材,探討實物與虛影並存的<都市魅影>系列,與堆疊不同時空情境的<憶像中的異像>系列兩大主題。 論文共分五章,第一章緒論闡述筆者研究主題動機、方法與架構。第二章爬梳文獻理論與名家作品,研究攝影與繪畫關係,及繪畫史裡的虛影、鏡像、倒影,進而探討現實世界虛實存在課題。第三章闡述筆者應用攝影完成繪畫創作主題的內容與形式。第四章詳述每一幅畫作思維及內容技法,最後介紹筆者創作使用媒材、用具與應用app做法。第五章結論為總結筆者創作與理論研究所獲心得,以及未來進一步研究發展的方向與期許。The world we live has always been full of surreal mirrored images(鏡像幻影). Aided by the development and application of internet, the virtual world is even becoming our focus in life. It seems that the sense of reality in the real environment is being hollowed out step by step. The boundary between the real world and the virtual one is getting blurred.The reality you see does not equal to the truth. The author here is trying to explore the connection between reality and illusion. By manifesting what he sees and the reminiscence inside his heart in paintings, the author is able to look back again what he had in the pasts and get reacquainted with the real world already familiar to him.The painting process is very similar to photo creation. For over a century, with the help of photography, numerous painters have created eternal masterpieces.In order to develop accumulated memories and whimsical perception as well as creating illusional dimension in the real scenario, the author, inspired by Montage and Composite Picture, deliberately combines photography and painting by collecting flickering memory image from photos taken and having different fragments of space-time reconstructed in the two-dimensional canvases.The author uses oil paint canvas as the main medium for the creation, exploring two subjects through two series of work: the co-existing of real objects and illusional images in the series of The Urban Phantom; and the piling up of different space-time scenarios in the series of Visions and Distorted Images in the Reminiscence. The thesis consists of five chapters. The first chapter elaborates the author’s motivation for this research subject and describes the methodology and structure. The second chapter sorts out theories from literature and masterpieces from outstanding artists, examines the connection between photography and painting, and looks back at the painting history to explores those illusional images, mirror images, and reflective images, thus further probing the subject about co-existing illusions and realities displayed in real word.The third chapter describes how the author makes use of photography to achieve his creation theme in the form and content of his paintings.The fourth chapter expounds the idea behind every painting and the skills involved, with a final touch on what media, tools, and apps are being used for the creation.The fifth chapter concludes the author’s experiences and thoughts gained from the process of his creation and the theoretical study, and his future course and expectation for the further study and development.憶像異像蒙太奇幻影虛實reminiscencevisions and distorted imagesmontagesurreal imageillusion and reality憶像中的異像-林道銘繪畫創作研究The Reminiscence of Visions and Distorted Images —The Research of Lin, Daw-Ming's Painting Creationetd