李根芳Ken-Fang Lee鄭佩嵐Pei-Lan Cheng2019-09-032003-7-312019-09-032003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22N2003000212%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/96112本論文本論文共分六章,內容主要討論《管理學架構》(A Framework for Management)一書的中文翻譯,並就譯文加以分析與評論。第一章說明筆者接下本書翻譯之緣由、本論文的研究動機、台灣當前教科書翻譯狀況簡介以及寫作架構。第二章則對原書作者、本書內容以及特色作一簡要之介紹。第三章筆者分析原著風格以及對象讀者之類型與需求,並據之決定翻譯策略。此外亦簡述本次翻譯工作之流程。第四章筆者對本書譯文作自我評析。第五章分類檢討筆者譯文中的錯誤,並作改正。此外,亦對筆者與另一位譯者合作的情形做說明與檢討。第六章總結全文,並歸納於本次翻譯工作與譯文評析中所獲之心得。筆者希望藉此次翻譯工作經驗與分析檢討,瞭解自身翻譯待改進之處,並期許在未來能有更好的表現。This thesis is a commentary on the Chinese translation of A Framework for Management. The translator makes self-critique on her choice of translation strategies and on the translation work. The first chapter states the motive for and the structure of this thesis. A short account of the current situation of textbooks translating is also provided. The second chapter gives a brief introduction of the author, Gary Dessler, as well as an abstract of the content and features of the book. The third chapter explains two key factors used to decide translation strategies and the process of the translation. The fourth chapter describes the strategies used in the translation. The fifth chapter is self-examination of the translationwork and lists several points need to be improved. The sixth chapter provides some suggestions and concludes this thesis.管理學架構A Framework for Management《管理學架構》之中譯及自我評析The Commentary on the Translation of A Framework for Management