鐘有輝 教授趙麗嫻Chao,Li-shyen2020-12-102009-5-42020-12-102008http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0094603229%22.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/114901本文主要由訪問畫家開始,了解李錫奇生平並開始進入各多元化新符號元素之研究結束於李鍚奇的藝術成就,探討結果顯示擁有「畫壇變調鳥」封號的李錫奇,在現代繪畫藝術的變奏曲風中,有兩個重要出發點:一是來自民間和傳統的民族因素的潛在影響;一是來自西方的現代藝術的顯在吸引。 從最初的《失落的阿房宮》、《落寞的秦淮河》、經過《月之祭》系列、《大書法》系列、《後本位》、《浮生十帖》及《本位‧新發》的漆畫系列的演變,李錫奇一直在傳統與現代之間,尋求自己歸屬於民族本位和超越傳統的藝術獨創性。越來越專注於來自民間和傳統的形而下的藝術語言(形式、媒介),和越來越強烈感悟到形而上的現代精神,把李錫奇的現代化藝術推上了一個新的高峰。 本論文撰寫的重心架構共分五章節來分述,謹摘要如下: 第一章 緒論﹕ 敘述筆者研究動機與目的、研究範圍與方法、以及名詞解釋。 第二章 李錫奇的生平研究﹕ 簡介李錫奇的生平時代背景,以便探討其不同時期的藝術創作,來自民間和傳統的民族因素的潛在影響,以及來自西方的現代藝術的顯在吸引。 第三章 多元化新符號元素之研究﹕ 從藝術的演變中,了解畫家各期藝術創作風格變化的關鍵要素和多元化的藝術表現形式風貌。 第四章 探討李錫奇的藝術軌跡 透過李錫奇由傳統「本位」到「後本位」的變化﹔經營畫廊的方針與成績到獲得美術大獎與藝術市場中的定位中,探討李錫奇的藝術軌跡。 第五章 結論 思考台灣當代藝術的走向,進而確定未來的創作方向,避免成為世界潮流的跟隨者。This thesis starts from interviewing Lee, Shi-Chi, to understand his passed history, entering the research of diversification and new symbol elements, and ends by Lee, Shi-Chi’s art achievements. From the result of research, it shows two important starting points in Lee, Shi-Chi, who was called as “Bird of Variation in Art”, of variation style in modern painting arts, one the potential influence of people factor from folk and tradition, and the other obvious attraction from western modern arts. From the initial “The Lost Ah-Fang Palace”, “The Lonely Chin- Huai River”, passes through “The Worship of the Moon” series, “Series of Great Calligraphy”, “Post-Orientation”, “Ten Aspects of My Artistic Life” and the change of lacquer series “Orientation Sprouting form the Root”, Lee,Shi-Chi always searched for a race orientation attributed to himself and the art originality transcending tradition between tradition and modern. Focusing on the practical art language ( form and media ) from folk and tradition more and more, and strongly experiencing abstractive modern spirit more and more move Lee Shi-Chi’s modernized arts up to a new peak. . The main structure in this thesis that is divided into five sections and the summary is as follows: First Chapter﹕Introduction Narrate the motivation, purposes, contents, approaches and substantive expiain of the researcher's study. Second chapter﹕Lee, Shi-Chi’s biography research introduces the Lee, Shi-Chi’s biography time background,, in order to discuss its different time the artistic creation, comes from the the potential influence of people factor from folk and tradition, and the other obvious attraction from western modern arts. Third chapter﹕diversification new mark element From the artistic evolution, understood the painter various issue of art creation style change the essential factor and diversify artistic motion of manifestation form style. Fourth chapter﹕ discusses Lee, Shi-Chi’s artistic orbit Penetrates Lee, Shi-Chi’s from the tradition “Orientation” “Post-Orientation” the change ﹔ manages the decorated corridor the policy and the result to wins in the fine arts big prize and in the artistic market localization, discusses Lee, Shi-Chi’s artistic orbit. Fifth chapter﹕conclusion Pondered Taiwan present age art the trend, then the determination future creation direction, will avoid into the trends in the world follower.現代版畫會畫壇變調本位後本位Modern Print AssociationBird of Variation in ArtOrientationPost-Orientation李錫奇藝術創作之研究The Research of Lee,Shi-chi 's Artistic Creations