林呈潢陳虹碩Cheng-Huang Lin,Hong-Shi Chen2014-10-272014-10-272011-10-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/15443保障使用者隱私的概念,在我國圖書館界已存在多年,但訂有隱私權政策之大學圖書館仍屬少數;2010 年我國修正《個人資料保護法》(以下簡稱個資法),強調「個人資料自主決定權」(資訊自主權)、「安全維護義務」以及「合理利用」等三個重點。規範個人資料的蒐集(個資法§5)、處理(個資法§2)及利用(個資法§16)有助於隱私權的保護。同時,一舉將個資法外洩賠償上限從現行法二千萬元提高到二億元,圖書館身為握有大量使用者個人資料的機構應更加謹慎小心。本研究採用內容分析法,分析國外大學圖書館隱私權政策,整理出重要的隱私權保護內容。再依據內容分析法結果,整理出隱私權政策內涵,做為結構性訪談的依據,以探討目前我國大學圖書館所面臨的隱私權議題和面對這些隱私權問題的處理方式、對於制定隱私權政策的看法(含動機與困境),以及制定隱私權政策的相關做法,最後彙整可供我國大學圖書館建置隱私權政策參考之內容,包括人員權限控管、使用者個人資料的用途、適用範圍等11 個項目。The concept of privacy protection has beenaround in librarianship in Taiwan for years,but only a few academic/university librarieshave set up the privacy policy for librarypatrons. In 2010, revised edition of thePersonal Information Protection Act(hereinafter “ the PIPA”) was enacted toenforce namely “the rights ofself-determination of personal information”(named hereinafter “The Information Right ofSelf-Determination”), “the obligation of propersecurity measures” and “the fair use.” ThePIPA, enacted to govern the collection (§5),processing (§2) and use (§16) of personalinformation, is significantly helpful for theprivacy protection. In the meantime, therevised PIPA governs the total amount of finefor disclosing the personal information shouldfrom NT 20,000 to up to NT$200 million. Thelibraries, as organizations that possess agreat quantity of the patrons’ personalinformation, should be keen to this issue.This study utilized content analysis as itsprimary research method for data collectionand analysis. The first step is to analyze theprivacy policy of academic libraries in othercountries, and to extract the important issuesin their privacy policy. The second step is toorganize the meaningful contents of theprivacy policy based on the results of the firststep of content analysis. The acquiredmeaningful contents are then used as a basisof structured interviews. There are fourresearch themes in this study, namelydiscussion of the key topics of the privacypolicy concerned by the academic libraries inTaiwan; the strategies of dealing theproblems of privacy policy; the opinions offormulating the privacy policy (includingmotivation and dilemma); anddecision-making process of the policy. Last,this study aims to synthesize the significantissues of privacy policy for the reference ofacademic libraries in Taiwan. There are 11key aspects contained in the policy, includingaccess control, the use of personalinformation, the proper scope, and so on.隱私權隱私權政策大學圖書館PrivacyPrivacy PolicyAcademic Libraries我國大學圖書館隱私權政策探討A Study on Privacy Policyof University/Academic Libraries in Taiwan