賴貴三2014-10-272014-10-271999-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/24679本文為前期的延續,就焦里堂(1763-1820)手批毛晉汲古閣本《周易兼義》中「小畜、履、泰、否、同人、大有、謙、預、隨、蠱」十卦鈔繕原文,新式標點,呈現焦氏雕菰樓易學最早期的原貌,可提供考證比較的參據。並就其《易通釋、周易補疏、易話》等後期著作中,爬梳相關內容,以案語的形式互相對照,透過前疏後密的易學體例,可以鑒察焦氏易學的學思歷程、進路、方法與旨趣。原批中,以漢魏象數易家為重,可知其淵源所自;而考據與易例兼重,充分體現焦氏易學的先後一致,也是乾嘉樸學重本貴創的特色所在。本著以經證經,以傳證經的求實精神,焦氏能全面掌握形式與內容的理則,歸納出以易例、易辭鉤貫條達的機制,遂創造出旁通一貫的論證體系。This article is continued from last publication. The writer specifically focuses on ten patterns of trigrams: Hsiao Chiu, Lu, Tai, Pi, Tung Jen, Ta Yu, Chien, Yu, Sui, and Ku. Accordingly, the writer introduces 《The Approach to the Book of Changes in the Storey of Tiau-Ku》("Tiau-Ku-Lou-I-Hsueh"), which was Chiao Hsun's early resesrch. When Chiao Hsun-commented on 《Extensive Connotation of The Book of Changes ("Chou-I-Chien-I"), he reorganized the old version of transcriptions and new style of punctuation. Compared with his latter writings such as 《 General Explication of The Book of Changes 》(I-Tung-Shih), 《Supplementary Notes of The Book of Changes》("Chou-I-Buu-Shu"), and 《Commentaries on The Book of Changes》 (I-Hua), the writer tries to analyze Chiao-Hsun's researchibng progress, methodology, and theme. The writer will present these features by means of comments and notes, referring to different writings that Chiao-Hsun had completed in his early and later years.焦循批案小畜履泰否同人大有謙豫隨蠱Chiao-hsunNotesHsiao chuLuTaiPiTung jenTa yuChienYuSuiKu焦循理堂先生手批《周易兼義》鈔讀記(二)