盧秀滿Hsiu-Man Lu2014-10-272014-10-272012-03-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/17573「避煞」,可謂是漢民族喪葬習俗中的一環。本文藉由中國歷代筆記小說中所記載之相關事例,對「避煞」習俗與「煞神」形象等進行考察,企圖釐清中國喪葬文化之某一側面。首先,探討「避煞」習俗產生之背景及其影響,進而得出:「避煞」習俗最遲於三國時期即已形成,而其影響直至清代為止仍盛行不退之結果。其次,匯整歷代筆記中所記載之相關事例,釐清「避煞」習俗進行之實際情況,包含時間、推算者、「煞」的實體、「回煞」之目的等諸項問題。接著指出,將「回煞」中的「布灰」儀式與「轉世輪迴」觀念緊密結合之作法,反映了中國民間習俗在融合本土巫術或陰陽思想與外來佛教觀念上之強韌力量。最後則探討歷代「煞神」形象之演變。從肉塊、禽鳥、猿猴、鬼神至其餘怪異之形象等,可謂毫無統一性可言。Avoiding evil spirits influences Han Chinese burial custom. To explore this aspect of Chinese burial customs, this study examines customs for avoiding evil spirits and the image of evil in Chinese tales. First, we found that this customs were developed during the Three Kingdoms period, and because of the resulting traditions and influence, were continued until the Qing Dynasty. Secondly, we explored real practices of the custom of avoiding evil spirit by collecting related stories thatincluded the concepts of time, shamans, and evil spirits. The reason for avoiding evil spirits was integrated in novels written during each dynasty. We infer that these customs integrate the original Yin and Yang concept with Buddhism by combining the “Buhui” ceremony and reincarnation. Finally, we examined the changing the changing representations of evil through the various dynasties, including as corpses, birds, monkeys, spirits, or other indefinite images.習俗筆記小說煞神避煞customsChinese talesthe image of evilavoiding evil spirit中國筆記小說所記載之「避煞」習俗及「煞神」形象探討The Custom of Avoiding Evil Spirits and the Image of Evil in Chinese Tales