闕月清Keh, Nyit Chin林彥伶Lin, Yen-Ling2019-09-052018-2-252019-09-052013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0897300063%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105960本研究以試題反應理論的測驗觀點,分析學生動作發展與穩定情形,探討能力指標的適切性與使用時機,並探究指標內是否具有迷思概念的存在,以期建構一套系統性的羽球運動能力指標。本研究對象為國小三年級學生34人、國小五年級學生33人與國中二年級學生35人,合計102人,進行羽球之基本握拍、正手發高遠球、正手擊高遠球、正手平撲球、正手挑球等五項動作測驗。測驗過程利用攝影機進行全程動作拍攝,資料分析部分,是以Testgraf98軟體工具進行選項特徵曲線用以評估學生動作表現,並輔以半結構式的學生訪談分析迷思概念的情形。研究結果發現:此一羽球運動能力指標為難度適中且具有良好鑑別度的指標工具,透過選項特徵曲線可知,國小三年級以此能力指標評估羽球運動能力已趨向穩定,表示羽球運動的學習,可以提前至更早的學習階段進行指導,以求其動作的穩定發展;此外,國小三年級與五年級學生在能力指標內所產生的迷思概念較為相似,而國中二年級學生僅在少部份的指標中具有迷思概念的存在。經研究討論後,本研究主要獲致結論如下:一、利用選項特徵曲線可用於解釋不同年級學生的動作發展與能力穩定趨勢,有助於提供課程規劃與教材安排之參考;二、迷思概念的發生多以伴隨著正確動作的執行而出現,在教學實務的應用上,教師應先根據學生的動作發展情形,配合動作概念的分類要素,提供指導與回饋修正的訊息,連結穩定的動作反應。The purpose of this study was to develop student’s badminton competence indicator system through item response theory, analyse the development and stability of student movement,and explore the approapriateness and timing as well as the presence of misconcept in the the competence indicator. The participations were thirty four 3rd grade and thirty three 5th grade elementary students and thirty five 8th grade junior high students. The tests included forehand grip, high service, forehand clear, forehand drive, and forehand lift. The testing process was videotaped for further analysis. Testgraf98 was used to analyse and assess student’s movement. The misconception of the students was analysed by semi-structured interviews. The results of this study were as follows: 1. Badminton competence indicators were found moderate in difficulty and with good discriminative through option characteristic curve. These competence indicators tended to be stable for the 3rd graders, demonstrated the approaprite use in the earlier stages of badminton instruction in order to assure the stable development of the movement and skill. 2. The 3rd graders and 5th graders showed similar misconceptions, and the 8th graders only have partial misconcepts. The conclusions of this showed: 1. Option characteristic curve could explain the motor development and stability of students from different grades, thus provide the basis for curriculum design and teaching planning; 2. The occurrence of misconceptions mostly accompanied with the products of correct movement; To use in teaching, student’s movements development was essential to match with the classification of elements and movement concept to provide effective instruction and corrective feedback linking stability of motor response.羽球運動能力指標迷思概念試題反應理論選項特徵曲線動作分析badminton competence indicatormisconceptionitem response theoryoption characteristic curvemovement analysis學生羽球運動能力指標建構及其迷思概念之探究The Development of Student’s Badminton Competence Indicator System and Exploration of Misconception in Sport