季力康Li-Kang Chi鄭遠崴Yuan-Wei Cheng2019-09-052012-6-302019-09-052012http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0097303121%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/105246本研究目的有三:一、探討不同年齡層跆拳道選手運動動機之差異;二、探討不同年齡層跆拳道選手運動熱情之差異;三、探討不同年齡層跆拳道選手運動動機與運動熱情之間的相關情形。本研究的參與者採立意抽樣,參與者為743名台灣地區不同年齡層(國中、高中、大學)的跆拳道專項運動優秀選手,其中包括男生426人,女生317人,年齡介於12~22歲之間。在經過同意之後,參與者填寫包括自我決定動機量表及運動熱情量表。所得的資料以單因子變異數分析及皮爾遜積差相關來進行統計分析。研究結果發現:一、不同年齡層跆拳道選手在內在動機方面:國中及高中選手顯著高於大學選手;在外在調節方面:高中及大學選手顯著高於國中選手;在無動機方面:大學及高中選手顯著高於國中選手;在認同及內射調節方面:不同年齡層參與者無顯著差異。二、不同年齡層跆拳道選手在調和式熱情與強迫式熱情方面皆無顯著差異。三、不同年齡層跆拳道選手的內在動機、認同調節、內射調節以及外在調節與調和式熱情及強迫式熱情皆呈顯著正相關;高中選手在無動機與調和式熱情、強迫式熱情皆呈顯著負相關;而大學選手在無動機與調和式熱情呈顯著負相關,與強迫式熱情則無相關;國中選手無動機與調和式熱情、強迫式熱情皆無相關。根據本研究的結果與討論,針對實務應用及未來研究方面提出建議。The purpose of this study was three-fold:(1) to examine the differences of different ages groups of tae kwon do athletes on sport motivation; (2) to examine the differences of different ages groups of tae kwon do athletes on sport passion; (3) to examine the correlation between sport motivation and passion among different age groups of tae kwon do athletes. The participants were 743 (males= 426, females=317) different age groups of excellent tae kwon do athletes (junior high, senior high, and university). Their age was ranged from 12-22 years. After received the informed consent, participants were asked to complete questionnaires which included Sport Motivation Scale and Sport Passion Scale. Pearson correlation and ANOVA were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that: (1) junior high and senior high school athletes reported greater intrinsic motivation than university athletes. High school and university athletes reported higher external regulation and amotivation than junior high school athletes. In terms of identified regulation and introjective regulation, there was no significant difference among three groups. (2) There was no significant difference among three age groups on harmonious passion and obsessive passion. (3) Intrinsic motivation, identified regulation, introjective regulation, and external regulation were positively correlated with harmonious passion and obsessive passion. Amotivation was negatively related to harmonious passion and obsessive passion for high school athletes. Moreover, amotivation had a negative correlation only with harmonious passion. Based on the results and discussion of this study, practical suggestions and future directions were proposed.自我決定動機調和式熱情強迫式熱情Self-determined motivationharmonious passionobsessive passion不同年齡層跆拳道選手運動動機與運動熱情之相關研究The Relationship Between Sport Motivation and Passion Among Different Age Groups of Tae Kwon Do Athletes