莊佳穎Chuang, Chia-Yin張廣祺Chang, Kuang-Chi2019-08-29不公開2019-08-292013http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0699260063%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/93344本研究採語藝觀點視故事性論述為「敘事」方式,具目的性方式對閱聽人進行說服(persuasion)的語藝行動。臺灣政治人物經常援引各類故事文本構築自我形象,化身不同故事「人物」與搭配不同「情節」,召喚支持者內心情感對故事的認同感,政黨/政治人物從中借故事形式隱射某種政治思維與理念,達成政治動員選民投票行為的訴求。於2012年臺灣總統大選如火如荼展開,本篇論文以民進黨總統候選人蔡英文為研究個案,從「敘事批評」(narrative criticism)對其公開演說、媒體訪談、宣傳文案等資料進行分析,探討敘事者對「自我」角色的想像、故事傳遞的主旨與理念,以及此敘事是否具備言者說服聽者等研究課題,理解其個人領導特質與形象是如何形成且影響臺灣的政治社會。 研究結果發現,故事反映社會普遍存在「個人意識的台灣認同」、「社會族群和諧的國家」與「女性參與的廉能政府」的核心價值,回應民進黨支持者自前任總統陳水扁卸任至現任總統馬英九就職後的政治陰霾氛圍,說服支持者重拾信心與凝聚團結作為邁向再執政之政治策略。本研究從「敘事評估」分析「策略性故事演說」所隱含的價值觀念是否具合理性,認知民進黨選民的需求是如何被故事收編而引發認同與歸屬,明瞭台灣人接受政黨候選人的「理性」訴求,實踐政治選舉活動為回應其憧憬與冀望。 最後,縱使總統選舉的落幕,民進黨陣營的總統候選人敗選,事實上,選舉結果未如童話故事一般呈現「好的故事」必然「好的結局」,不過故事感染人心的效力是永不止息,它堅定民眾內心的理想價值與意義實踐,如同敗選感言提及:「有一天,我們會再回來,我們不會放棄」。故事與眾不同的特性,發揮政黨能以故事篇章不斷地鼓舞士氣、溫暖人心與凝聚信念。語藝學者費雪提出敘事典範(narrative paradigm)提供一套分析言者的推論工具,對後續從事語藝的研究學者而言,有助於詮釋當代臺灣政治文化脈絡下故事性論述的消費模式。至今為止,故事仍持續的述說傳遞。It is common for Taiwanese politicians to use various kinds of stories to create a self-image. Politicians project themselves as playing the role of specific characters from stories combined with their specific plots in order to arouse sympathetic feelings from the audience, and in doing so make the audience identify with the political position of the politician. The final goal of this process is, of course, to persuade the people to vote for the party or politician. The 2012 Taiwanese Presidential Elections abundantly exhibited this phenomenon. The focus of this thesis is on Tsai Ing-wen, the 2012 Presidential Candidate of the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP), and the way she uses certain stories to persuade her audiences. This paper is written from a rhetorical criticism point of view, and uses the method of narrative criticism to analyze Tsai Ing-wen’s public speeches, media interviews, and publicity material. The goal of this is to show in what way Tsai Ing-wen imagines herself and her position, that is to say, to point out the characteristics of her leadership and image and in what way these influence Taiwanese political culture. What came out of the above research is that Tsai Ing-wen’s usage of stories has provided the Taiwanese DPP voters with a feeling to stick together, to have confidence in themselves, and to make a comeback in politics. According to Tsai Ing-wen “Taiwanese people have to raise their head in pride and stand up for themselves,” “towards the countries of ethnic in harmony” and “women to be free to take matters into their own hands”. These goals reflect widespread sad feelings in society, feelings that have been aroused in Taiwanese society after first the disappointment in Chen Shui-bian because of his corruption, and thereafter bewilderment towards Ma Ying-jeou’s policies. Next to this, narrative assessment is used to analyze which values are hidden within Tsai Ing-wen’s stories and whether these are reasonable or not. Also, it clarifies how the stories succeed in satisfying the demands of DPP voters and how they evoke identification and a sense of belonging. It thus points out how DPP voters make a rational choice when voting for the DPP, a choice that reflects their vision and hope for the future. At the moment, the 2012 presidential elections have passed and Tsai Ing-wen did not make it president. Stories do not always have a happy ending. However, the influence the stories used by Tsai Ing-wen have left behind in Taiwanese society still is strong. They have become a part of the strength and hope of the Taiwanese people and keep exhibiting a unique charm that keeps reinvigorating the morale of the DPP supporters.. As Tsai Ing-wen herself has put it best: “One day, we will come back, we will not give up”. For later researchers, Fischer’s idea of the narrative paradigm that is used in this thesis can provide a tool to explain and interpret the context of Taiwanese political culture in which stories are used in discourse as a method to make people consume. This is because up until today politicians frequently keep using similar stories to attract votes.語藝批評敘事典範故事認同臺灣政治消費文化rhetorical criticismnarrative paradigmstoryidentityTaiwan political consumerism小英的故事:以敘事批評分析蔡英文「非典型」風格Ing Story: A Narrative Criticism of Tsai Ing-wen “atypical ” style