謝建成藍秋霞2019-08-292006-2-222019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0592021003%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92069摘 要 高中職社區化政策的主要的內涵是希望透過資源整合的運作,建立適性的學習環境。而這樣一個整合共享的合作觀念,正與圖書館長期努力的館際合作理念不謀而合。 本論文主要利用文獻分析及問卷調查,來探討目前教育部所推動的高中職社區化政策,就高中職圖書館主任而言,學校圖書館所應扮演的角色及可推動的工作為何?以整理出合乎政策精神的營運項目。同時基於學校圖書館應積極參與地方文化活動的思維,進一步探討,若將在高中職社區化的社區範疇擴大至地方社區時,學校圖書館可以為地方社區提供那些服務?而地方社區希望高中職圖書館能提供的服務又是什麼?找出供需之間的交集項目,作為高中職圖書館未來發展及營運的參考。 本研究採用問卷調查法,以研究者自編之「高中職社區化之圖書館經營模式調查問卷」以全國高中職圖書館主任及桃園縣十三鄉鎮市長為研究對象,進行調查,並利用EXCELL進行資料的敘述性統計與分析,獲致下列結果: 一、 高中職圖書館主任對於推動高中職社區化政策的認同度達60%以上。 二、 各校高中職社區化業務,主要規劃單位是教務處。圖書館扮演積極配合辦理相關業務的角色,執行各項活動時所遇見的困難前三項為:經費不足、人力不足、讀者參加活動的意願低。 三、 配合政策,圖書館主任最贊成辦理的活動前三項為:聯合辦理各項相關研習活動、辦理合作人員訓練、聯合辦理各項相關講座。而適合推廣至地方社區的活動前三項為:音樂、影片欣賞討論會、聯合書展、各項相關研習活動及好書交換,與各鄉鎮市長的認同差異頗大。 四、 七成以上的圖書館主任皆非常樂意跨出校園為社區提供服務,認為可協助地方社區辦理的活動前三項為:社區居民終身學習活動、社區居民之演講會、座談會、建立社區資源資料庫,看法和各鄉鎮市長相當接近。 最後根據本研究結論,對教育行政機關、學校圖書館提出建議。Abstract One of the main goals of the Community High School Project (CHSP) is to integrate local resources to create an effective learning community. This concept in many ways echoes the goals of many public libraries to establish an adequate mechanism for inter-library cooperation. This paper examines the roles of high school library managers in the CHSP and recommends several initiatives for library managers. This paper also explores the possibility of expanding the libraries’ services to the surrounding communities and surveys the local community’s expectation on the high school libraries. The author conducted extensive surveys targeting all high school library managers in Taiwan, as well as 13 local mayors of Taoyuan County. Based on the analysis of the survey, the paper reached the following conclusions. 1. More than 60% of the high school library managers agree with the CHSP proposed by the Ministry of Education. 2. The Academic Dean’s offices in most schools are responsible for implementing the Community High School Project, and the library personnel typically play a supporting role in such implementation. The three most cited difficulties in the implementation included: inadequate funding, lack of personnel, and lack of interests among readers. 3. Among the library managers, the three most cited activities used to implement the CHSP includes joint research and studies, joint personnel training, and cosponsoring talks and workshops. The three most cited potential activities to serve the local communities include: joint forum for discussion of music and films, joint book exhibitions, and joint workshops, conferences, and book exchange. These differ quite significantly with the survey results from local mayors. 4. More than 70% of the library managers are willing to provide services outside of their campus. The three most cited activities include: adult education, community-sponsored speakers and forum, and community resource database. These are similar to the survey results from local mayors. Based on these survey results, the author then made several recommendations to government agencies and school libraries.高中職社區化圖書館經營館際合作高中職社區化之圖書館經營模式的研究Library Management and the Community High School Project