林呈潢 博士陳汎瑩CHEN,FAN YIN2019-08-292006-8-232019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092023213%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92205摘 要 大學圖書館的設置是根據大學教育的宗旨、目標,以及收集、組織和運用圖書資訊,負起配合研究、支援教學與推廣學術的責任。大學圖書館所服務的對象主要是老師與學生,他們對資訊需求的質與量遠超過一般大眾。因此在重視服務品質機能、以使用者為中心的潮流下,增強圖書館競爭力具有十分重要的意義;有效的服務管理及追求卓越之服務品質已成為圖書館營運的主要議題,而成功之服務改善需要有效之評量做為基礎,以提供決策之制訂及協助讀者確保其真正獲得所需,因此如何有效地衡量服務品質乃為追求卓越服務之必要前提,是故如何檢視藝術大學圖書館之服務品質,則必須先建置藝術大學圖書館服務品質之評量架構。 本研究旨在建置臺灣藝術大學圖書館服務品質之評量模式,針對以臺灣藝術大學專業領域之專家學者為研究對象,採用質性研究的訪談法,訪談期間自2006年4月14日至5月15日,共訪問17位專家學者。藉由面對面的對談,探究藝術領域之專家學者對於藝術大學圖書館服務品質之評量指標的認知與看法,以確實瞭解圖書館對讀者之服務趨向並對其服務品質問題進行分析,釐出影響因素,提出符合臺灣藝術大學圖書館服務品質之評量架構,並供該類圖書館評量服務品質之工具參考。 研究結果:一、提出臺藝大圖書館服務品質評量架構。二、評量架構包括資訊控制、服務影響、圖書館實體環境、行政組織管理等4大構面及27個問項。三、本服務品質評量架構適宜以藝術類大學特性為主的圖書館服務品質情境。 根據研究結果,本研究提出以下建議:針對臺藝大圖書館部分之建議,(一)以願景使命定位圖書館的專業資訊服務(二)館藏資源典藏以學術價值為依歸,館藏資源服務以學術研究為導向(三)臺藝大圖書館應發揮藝文展覽陶冶心性之功能(四)落實虛實共構與資訊資源展現之理念(五)可做同質性圖書館間之互相比較及改善依據;針對臺藝大圖書館服務品質評量架構部分之建議,(一)加強信、效度驗證(二)累積大量實證研究資料,建構「藝術大學圖書館服務品質量表」之模式(三)建議藝術類大學圖書館應建立評估服務品質的衡量工具(四)本評量架構可供實務界及學術界做為藝術類大學圖書館服務品質評鑑指標(五)臺藝大圖書館能夠運用評量結果,改善服務品質提升使用者滿意度(六)建議後續研究者進行評估與研究服務品質構面要素之演變情況(七)擴大樣本規模,針對藝術類大學圖書館做服務品質之比較及相關研究(八)可進行網路問卷調查(九)進行不同地域國情之藝術圖書館服務品質之比較研究。 關鍵詞:藝術大學圖書館、服務品質、LibQUAL+TMA Study on the Model for the Evaluation of the Library Service of National Taiwan University of Arts Abstract The main purpose of university library is to serve the teachers and students in teaching and researching through collecting and organizing books and information. Understanding users’ demand for information and satisfaction of services is a top task for libraries to reach their goal. This study is a qualitative research, which is mainly on how to construct an index to evaluate the service quality of the library of National Taiwan University of Arts (NTUA). I interviewed with seventeen experts in arts in NTUA during 14 April to 15 May in 2006. Through the feedback of these experts, I firstly propose in this research a evaluation framework for the library service of NTUA, which includes sixty-six questions, which can be grouped into four dimensions -- Information control, Affect of service, Library as place and Organization Administration. This framework is also suitable for the libraries of arts. Then, in this research I suggest to the NTUA that the library should follow its special service mission to allocate the resource of repositories, to serve the academic research, to cultivate the human character through various art exhibitions, and to strengthen the interlacing of the actual and virtual repositories. It may also be a benchmark for the libraries of arts. As for the further study on the evaluation framework, I suggest them as follow, (i) the necessity of the trust and effectiveness should be strengthened in the future study; (ii) the need to accumulate more data in building the model for service evaluation on libraries of the university of arts; (iii) the necessity for the universities of arts to build up certain tools to evaluate the service of libraries; (iv) this framework is suitable for both the academic and practical as a tool to evaluate the libraries of the universities of arts; (v) the expectation for the NTUA to adopt the evaluation result to improve the service and uplift the content of users; (vi) the importance in the study of the changes of the factors on service evaluation for the further researchers; (vii) the possibility to expand the sample for the comparative study on the library service of the universities of arts; (viii) the possibility to take advantage of questionnaire on internet; (ix) the possibility of the comparative study on the service of art libraries with different lands and cultures. Key Words: library of art university, service quality, LibQUAL+TM藝術大學圖書館服務品質LibQUAL+TMlibrary of art universityservice qualityLibQUAL+TM國立臺灣藝術大學圖書館服務品質評量模式之研究A Study on the Model for the Evaluation of the Library Service of National Taiwan University of Arts