魏秀珍Wei, Hsiu-Chen許銘真Hsu, Ming-Chen2022-06-082021-12-192022-06-082021https://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/thesis/detail/d2c0547d2075ca7b9704ab57a0e29f9c/http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/118211本研究旨在瞭解國中生的父親知覺配偶共親職及父職效能感之現況,並探討配偶共親職與父職效能感之間的關係。 目的 一、瞭解父親知覺配偶共親職及自身父職效能感之現況。二、檢視不同背景變項下,桃園市國中生的父親知覺配偶共親職與父職效能感之差異情形。三、探討父親知覺配偶共親職與父職效能感之關聯情形。 方法 採問卷調查法,參考其他量表後,編修「配偶共親職量表」及「父職效能感量表」作為研究工具,「配偶共親職量表」32題;「父職效能感量表」16題,共48題。以桃園市國中學生的父親為研究對象,採分層叢集抽樣法在桃園市十三行政區依人數比例抽樣,並執行預試及正式問卷等兩階段施測。所得資料以SPSS統計分析軟體進行描述性統計、信度分析、因素分析、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析及階層迴歸分析。 結果 一、父親知覺配偶共親職平均高於理論中點,顯示父親感受到配偶共親職頗佳。二、父親自評父職效能感平均高於理論中點,顯示父親認為自身的親職效能感普遍為佳。三、背景變項部分,僅母親年齡於配偶共親職達顯著差異。四、背景變項部分,子女生理性別、子女年級、父親教育程度及母親就業情形於父職效能感達顯著差異。五、父親知覺配偶共親職與父職效能感整體及分向度皆達顯著正相關。六、控制背景變項後,父親知覺配偶共親職對父職效能感整體及分向度具有顯著解釋力。 結論 整體而言,父親感受到母親較多的支持性共親職,並且父親對自己的父職效能感亦相當有自信。差異分析顯示,父親知覺配偶共親職因母親年齡不同而有所分別;父職效能感因子女生理性別、子女年級、父親教育程度及母親就業情形不同而有所不同。相關分析及迴歸分析則顯示,當父親知覺配偶共親職愈佳,父職效能感也愈佳,並且父親知覺配偶共親職對父職效能感具解釋作用。綜合上述,建議媽媽們可以多給予爸爸們正向的回應、少一些批評責備,並且一起參與親職、投入親職,方能有效提升父親的親職效能感,促進爸爸們對親職教養的自信心。This study aimed to understand the status quo of fathers’ perception of spousal coparenting and paternal efficacy (PE) while exploring the relationship between spousal coparenting and PE.Purposes: This study (1) explored the status quo of spousal coparenting and self-perceived PE, (2) examined the differences in spousal coparenting and in PE among fathers of junior high school students in Taoyuan City, Taiwan, and (3) discussed the correlation between spousal coparenting and PE.Methods: Questionnaire survey was conducted. After referencing other scales, this study composed the Spouse Coparenting Scale (32 items) and the Paternal Efficacy Scale (16 items) as research tools; the two scales contained a total of 48 items. Research participants were fathers of junior high school students in Taoyuan City. Stratified cluster sampling was employed for sampling the 13 administration districts of Taoyuan City on the basis of their populations. A pretest was conducted before the formal survey was administered. The obtained data were analyzed using SPSS statistical analysis software for descriptive statistics, reliability analysis, factor analysis, one-way analysis of variance, Pearson correlation coefficient analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis.Results: The results showed that (1) Father's perception of spousal coparenting is higher than the theoretical midpoint on average, indicating that fathers feel favorable about more spousal contributed. (2) PE is higher than the theoretical midpoint on average, which shows that fathers believe that their PE are generally favorable. (3) In the part of background variables, only mother’s age significantly affected coparenting. (4) In the part of background variables, children’s biological sex, children’s grade, father’s education attainment, and mother’s job situation significantly affected PE. (5) The overall aspect and each aspect of spousal coparenting and PE were significantly and positively correlated. (6) After background variables were controlled, spousal coparenting can significantly explain the overall and each aspect of PE.Conclusions: Overall, fathers perceived much supportive spousal coparenting, and fathers were quite confident about their PE. Differences analysis revealed that spousal coparenting differed according to mothers’ age. PE differed because of children’s biological sex, children’s grade, father’s education attainment, and mother’s job situation. Correlation analysis and regression analysis showed that favorable spousal coparenting led to favorable PE. Also, spousal coparenting has an explanatory power on PE. Based on above, it is suggested that mothers can not only give more positive responses with less criticisms to fathers but participate in parental work together. Father’s parental efficacy and self-confidence can also be improved simultaneously.國中生父職配偶共親職父職效能感junior high school studentfatherhoodspousal coparentingpaternal efficacy國中生的父親知覺配偶共親職與父職效能感Fathers of Junior-high School Students Perceive Spousal Coparenting and Paternal Efficacy學術論文