李忠謀Greg C. Lee柯建華Chian-Hua Ke2019-08-292006-6-242019-08-292006http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22GN0092083001%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92778 本研究之目的是針對高中校園電腦支援諮詢工作需求與人員編制,參考現有電腦支援服務模式與系統,提出一套適用於高中校園的電腦支援諮詢服務模式,利用「電腦與網路媒介溝通」、「單一窗口專家協助」、「固定時間批次處理」、「發問者參與問題解決過程」等模式設計,改善校園電腦支援諮詢工作困擾。 我們將此模式實作成線上電腦支援諮詢服務系統,並分別在國立基隆高中與國立新店高中進行為期兩個月的實驗,以評估模式設計是否符合需求。除了比較模式系統實施前後電腦支援諮詢工作的改變情形,同時將兩所學校依第一線問題處理人員分為「校內資訊人員」與「校外資訊人員」兩組,探討校外資訊人員利用此系統提供電腦支援諮詢服務的效果。 實施結果驗證此模式設計合宜。對教職員可以提供方便的支援協助管道與學習自我解決問題。藉由協助教職員提供問題解析線索與參與問題解決過程,可以減輕校內資訊人員的工作負擔。記錄管理問題處理過程,可以保留問題處理經驗,累積形成問題處理知識庫。校外資訊人員可利用此系統協助校內資訊人員提高電腦支援諮詢服務品質與工作效率。This thesis describes the design and implementation of an IT support model that supplements the support process in senior high schools. Features of the proposed model are “computer-mediated communication”, “central hub expert support”, “batch processing service”, and “making users part of the solution”. A help desk system composed of a ticket tracking system and a desktop agent was implemented based on the proposed model. To evaluate the effectiveness of the model and the system, experiences were deployed in two senior high schools for a period of two months. The experience results showed that the model is feasible and is useful for improving user support service levels and reducing the burden of IT staff in providing support. With the automated help desk system, support issues were timely created, tracked, dispatched, and solved, while at the same time schools could create a centralized IT support knowledge base.電腦支援電腦媒介溝通專家協助組織知識End-user supportComputer-mediated communicationExpert supportOrganizational knowledge電腦支援諮詢服務模式之研究-以高中校園為例Design and Implementation of an IT Support Model in Senior High Schools