陳雪雲黃宜雯Yi-wen Huang2019-08-292003-07-312019-08-292003http://etds.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/cgi-bin/gs32/gsweb.cgi?o=dstdcdr&s=id=%22G0069002003%22.&%22.id.&http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw:80/handle/20.500.12235/92010  以「知識解放」、「公民社會」為旨的社區大學為新興的教育場域,近年來大幅擴增,為台灣的成人教育開啟新的可能性,也養成了大批的師資人才,課程教學做為社區大學的一種策略之餘,教師在其中所扮演的角色不容忽視。本研究以兩位社區大學教師為研究對象,研究旨在探究兩位教師的教學實踐經驗及反思的過程,研究目的為:1.探究社區大學教師的教育認知情形。2.探究社區大學教師如何在教學歷程中實踐其教育理念。3.呈現社區大學教師教學內涵及風格,為一般社大教師提供調整教學的啟發和靈感,以及社區大學教師經營之參考。研究過程是採用質化研究取向的個案研究方法,深入個案教師的教學現場,以參與式觀察、深度訪談以及文件分析為資料蒐集的方法。兩位教師的實踐經驗分別從其教育理念、對教育情境的認識、教學實踐歷程以及個人反思部份加以敘述及討論,並以Paulo Freire的對話教育學為分析研究結果的基礎,可歸納出以下結論:   一、兩位教師的課程領域都帶有陶冶現代公民素養的內涵。 二、兩位教師都是帶有意圖的教育實踐:他們的教育目的在於生活的轉化,而非傳佈客觀知識;此外,對於教育的期待是達成個人和社會改變的過程。   三、兩位教師對社區大學的認知是連結社會環境的教育事業:他們都肯定社區大學的公共性,而對於學習者的認識是落在社會情境之中,視其為完整性的存在。   四、兩位教師的教育內容是建構在歷史文化系統之中:他們的課程設計具有自主性和動態性的特色,內容亦是取材自社會生活之中,和學習者的經驗相融合,而非完全是知識體系中的客觀知識。   五、兩位教師的對話教育策略:他們在班級經營策略方面,乃是以經營學習社群為其精神,透過集體的力量進行學習活動;兩位教師在教學中藉由提問學生展開知識的探究,從歷程中形成對學生的評量。   六、兩位教師都是在教學實踐中進行反思與自我學習:兩位教師在解決問題和克服困境的過程中學習,也與學生一同成長,慢慢形成自己的教學理論和風格,然專業成長的歷程則有單打獨鬥的情形。The community university is a new kind of institution launched by the educational reform movement in the third-sector. This educational institution aims to liberalize the official knowledge and to revival the civil society in Taiwan. More and more community universities have been established around the island. Such a trend reveals that the adult educational landscape here has been changed. Taking Paulo Freire’s perspective, this study aims to understand the practice of teachers’ pedagogy. Three purposes are as follows: (1) To analyze the framework of thought that the teachers engage in teaching. (2) To explore the teachers' characteristics and the style of teaching. (3) To suggest ways in which teachers are be able to critically examine educational processes and to improve the practice of pedagogy in future. In this study, two teachers who teach English and philosophy are selected from the community university in Taipei. Furthermore, a multi-method design research including participant observation, interviews, and documentary analysis is set out in order to understand the practice of teachers’ pedagogy on the daily basis. In conclusion, the major findings of this study are: 1.Teachers are engaged in the cultivation of adult learners’ civic literacy through the pedagogical process. 2.The practice of teacher’s pedagogy is not present as value-free. They are confident in critical pedagogy and have a faith in the transformation of learners rather than providing objective knowledge. Also, their pedagogical processes aim to achieve transformation of society and to empower learners. 3.The teachers address that the community university has to link to the wider social environment. They identify that the practice of the community university is for public good. Therefore, the provision of learning opportunities should be relevant to the needs of citizens in order to function in a complex social formation. 4.The curriculum design is characterized either in learners’ own lives or in the social and historical contexts. This kind of theme-based approach lies in the connections of it builds between the topics at hand, the students’ lives and broader world around them. 5.The teachers devote to the principle of dialogue. Dialogic classrooms are organized to promote collective learning. Furthermore, they place on the emphasis of the problem-posing approach and formative assessment in the pedagogical process. 6.The teachers learn educational strategies by solving problems and overcoming difficulties on the daily basis. Moreover, the teachers’ pedagogical theory and practice are inextricably linked within educational process.社區大學教師教學實踐弗雷勒批判教育學Teacher’s pedagogyThe community universitiesPaulo FreireCritical pedagogy社區大學教師教學實踐歷程之研究The Practice of Teacher’s Pedagogy in the Community University