葉慶隆蔡慧貞Ching-Long YehHui-Chen Tsai2016-05-042016-05-042014-06-??http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/78004課程地圖是動態歷程,清楚描繪出課程架構、修課要求與順序,作為學生修習課程的指引,幫助學生瞭解選讀的課程內容,並可從眾多課程中兼顧興趣及實務選擇出最適合自己的修課路徑,提供大學生完整的學習及應用。然而目前大學系所的課程地圖僅能提供線性式瀏覽與關鍵字搜尋服務,在學習路徑(課程)的查詢並無法容納所有可能性,滿足個人需求。因此本研究目的是以知識工程方法論、語意網技術來發展智慧型課程地圖知識系統,提供學生求學、職涯發展等診斷諮詢,提供學系檢討課程設計的依據,及業界招募人才的參考。此外由於此技術具開放性及資料整合能力,課程地圖的知識庫可以加入語意網的連結資料,其它大學可以利用轉換包裝技術,將其課程地圖資料轉成RDF後,便可以加入本系統,未來可以擴散形成全國性課程地圖系統。Curriculum maps dynamically sketch the learning paths and requirements in the curriculum architecture. It is helpful guide for students in designing their learning paths and investigating in overall their learning content. A student can choose from various courses the ones to form a suitable learning path by taking into account both her interest and substantive consideration. The current university curriculum maps generally list the courses offered by the departments ordered according to each semester yearly. User can either browse the list or find entries in the list through keyword search, which cannot meet individual requirements. In this paper, we attempt to build a curriculum map knowledge system for the interactions with various kinds of users, including teachers, students, and the industry. We aim at employing the Semantic Web technology to develop the knowledge system. We apply the knowledge-engineering methodology, CommonKADS, to analyze the problem of curriculum mapping and design the knowledge model and design the system architecture. We employ RDF/OWL to build the domain schema and knowledge base. Then we implement the system on the Semantic Web supported Drupal 7. Due to the openness and the ability of data integration we can extend the knowledge system to include the curriculums from other universities.語意網知識工程課程地圖Semantic WebKnowledge EngineeringR2RMLUCANCurriculum Mapping發展課程地圖知識系統:概念模型與知識工程Developing Curriculum Mapping Knowledge System: Concept Modeling and Knowledge Engineering